{ Eight }

294 18 7

Bianca's POV

- As if on cue, another nurse bashed on the doorframe, "HEY! you cackling bunch need to split up back to your own rooms and stop bothering everyone in this hallway!, We're trying to earn a few dollars around here and we can't do it if you all don't shut up!". Katya and I made eye contact. We both knew what was about to happen. "Well if you're trying to earn a couple of measly dollars, I suggest going to the club down the street, I heard they're taking auditions for new whores" Katya effortlessly dished to her. The nurse stood there, open mouthed, now for my turn... "Hey bigfoot, unless you intend to thoroughly brush your teeth and maybe even give yourself a few much needed fillers after this, I strongly suggest you close that huge mouth of yours."

Trixie sat stunned, whilst Adore tried to hide her giggles in the crook of my neck. "I can't believe you just spoke to Nurse Visage like that! And you should know better Kats, you could get into huge trouble you know", Trixie spoke in the softest whisper-yell I've ever heard. "We missed dinner too, so we're probably due for a visit from Nurse Dujour too" She added onto her statement with a huff. Katya then stood up, and turned to Trixie "Well then, we'd better get back to our room before she finds us, shouldn't we?". Trixie obliged and stood up, "Will you guys stop back tomorrow?" Adore asked the pair, obviously missing them already. "Of course we will Dory! And thanks for the afternoon, We had a lot of fun meeting you Bianca" Trixie said, giving us both a departing hug, "Aw it's nothing, thanks for making me feel welcome Barbie girl" I said as Adore shut the door behind them.

I yawned, "Hey do you know what time it is?", "It's just hit 9:30" Adore sighed. "What's wrong with you chola girl?" I say, patting a spot in front of me on my bed, she gingerly sat back down. "I jus- I just hate sleeping, I always have these nightmares...so basically I just never sleep" She says, tears brimming in her eyes. I can't think of anything to say that would make her feel better, so I do the only thing I can. I pull her into my arms for a hug & she starts to sob, gripping onto the back of my neck. "Hey, hey don't cry It's okay, you're okay now. Deep breaths you're just over tired" She mimics my deep breathing and slowly starts to calm down, sinking deeper into my arms. "C-can you keep t-talking? please?" She stutters "Of course I can, just close your eyes for me, that's it, you're okay, I'm here now" I say as I gently rock both of our fatigued bodies back and forth, her head still resting on my shoulder. It isn't long before I hear soft snores next to my ear, indicating that she had fallen asleep. I sat still, not daring to move for the next twenty minutes, before slowly drifting off to sleep, my mind steady and at peace, not worrying about the day that is to come.


OMG we're almost up to 1,000 reads guys!! thank you so much for sticking to my really bad posting schedual!!


𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 - 𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now