{ Five }

370 21 2

Bianca's POV

~ Just as Bianca finished asking her question, yet another girl came confidently striding through the open door with a burning cigarette in her left hand,  obviously searching for someone or something. "Trixie are you in he- oh there you are, I've been looking for you literally everywhere" 

"Oh, sorry Kats, I came to meet the new girl staying with Adore!" Trixie chirruped back at the sullen, pale girl who had just thrown herself onto Adore's unmade bed. The girl turned to look at me, but before she could say anything, I forced out a basic greeting phrase. "the names Bianca" I say rather too quickly. Great, now I look like a fucking idiot...."Nice to meet you miss Bianca, my name is Yekatrina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, but you can call me Katya" she replies with a semi thick Russian accent. 

After another comfortable silence, I look up to Katya, who was now practically entertwined with Trixie and asked- "so, Katya, what are you in for?" She looks up from her sleepy haze and slowly replies with "Oh I'm anorexic, the only thing I live off are these cheap cigarettes that I steal from the staff room when everyone's asleep" --- "I keep telling you Katya, you are definitely going to get caught one day and put in the goddamn isolation room for a week" Adore pipes up, leaning into me. "What the fuck is the isolation room?" I ask "Oh, it's basically a white ass room with padded ass walls" Adore replies "What Adore means is the isolation room is pretty much a room you would find in an insane asylum" --- "Wow" I say in shock, unable to say anything back to Trixie. 

Adore starts playing with my hair as we sit in silence for what seems like the 7th time just this afternoon, when we're all interrupted with a knock on the open door frame.


Author's note

Yeah hi if all of y'all could vote it would be greatly appreciated. Also thank you so much for these reads oml i'm actually babey

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