Blood Letting

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Through out the week you'd managed to run some close calls, dodging running into Beverly. She was seen at the local coffee shop with Mike and Stanley. All of them had grown over the years.

Another time at the market, which Noah skillfully ignored and avoided her questions with a smoothness you were amazed by.

Once again she was loitering near the front of the school, even stopped Marina to inquire about you and your friends. Mr. Jackson stepped in rescuing his student, he was never biased as he'd protect all of them, even if one was a bully. Marina had sobered down since Pennywise let go of his hold on her- that and the many restraining orders she had on her. The passing days she was a completely different person, as if she wasn't in control of herself- sleep walking.

Because she hadn't been in control of herself the whole time.

All of their classes were changed, Marina had almost even been moved to a new school. She was the least of your worries though with the Losers Club in town. You were always on edge never fully focused too busy watching out for yourself.

Worried about your mother being involved- concerned about where you and Pennywise stood now? How you all were going to handle Ace? You had so much on your mind as you were walking along the empty road. Without anyone with you for once.

It was peaceful, a calming breeze ruffles your hair. The sun kissed your skin gently with its soft rays. Like a promise to shelter you from the horrors of the world. The forest almost seemed to sing in the quietness, easing your shot nerves into a state of tranquility.

"It's unusual for you n-not to be with your f-friends." You froze in the spot you were at, too afraid to lift your other foot and continue walking. All of that peacefulness seeping away.

Part of you wants to take off in a mad sprint while the other is rooted to the spot. He's got a sweet enough voice, that could lure in any woman if he wanted her. Almost like how serial killers were so charming with that one odd quirk about them. His was how he stuttered- it was way too adorable in your opinion.

"Are you alright?" He doesn't stutter that time seeming to have it in control here and there.

"Fine... what do you want." You clench the strap of your bag on the defensive ready to use it as a weapon to escape if need be.

"J-just wondering.. do y-you love 'IT'? You k-kissed."

"You were peeping!" You grind your teeth feeling like your privacy was violate more than the gravity of the situation. You were alone with a grown man who could easily over power you. As you whirl around to finally drink in his presence, he doesn't seem like a bad man at all. Salt & pepper light brown hair, a nervous smile, light facial hair and those damn eyes. Hauntingly- strikingly a pure blue.

"I-I didn't mean t-o, I promise!" He hurriedly covers a light dust of color taking over his cheeks.

"Then what were you doing then?" You cross your arms almost going relaxed with the stranger. Where had all your guardedness run off to?

"Just g-giving the place a look over Bev-Beverly said you knew I-It."

"His name is Pennywise!" You huff fed up. Eyes flicking over to a sewer drain, nerves kicking off the longer you stayed rooted to the spot speaking to the enemy so to speak.

"P-Pennywise..." He tries the name, "Why're you s-so fond of it?" Bill finishes eyebrows furrowing with his confusion and curiosity.

You freeze at the question, no one's ever really asked you why you took to the entity's existence so well. Even now being asked such a straightforward question, by someone who knew of Penny's true self since the beginning. It was a mystery, you surmised it had to do with him sparing your life? Even helping you take your inhaler when he could've watched you die? Fed off your fear so to speak. But he hadn't, he befriended you when the whole world was crumbling around you.

He meant more to you than you yourself had. Carefully you allow your tongue to slip out, swiping over your lower lip. You swallow dryly, adjusting your bags strap as you look up at the stranger again.

"I... he rescued me..?"

"R-rescued?" Bill seemed to only grow more perplexed by your answer. Growing red in the face you huff a sigh.

"I-! I really have to go!" You interrupt him from speaking any further, feeling warmed by his presence. Disoriented that he didn't lash out and attack you in a blind rage like Beverly had, your unfocused eyes meet his blue hues again. Breath hitching as the realization clicks in your head, he was only caring for you. In his own strange- being a stranger to you kinda way.

With that blossoming through your chest, heating your cheeks up you give a promising. Genuine smile at him, unlike any other adults you did outside your mother and Mr. Jackson. Bill's stunned by the sudden action, only giving a lopsided, sheepish smile. You wave goodbye as if long time friends, he can't help but fall into step with you waving in return.

Billy gives a sigh of relief seeing for the most part you weren't harmed. Save for the bandage along your arm he'd been meaning to inquire about, but the air around you was so light hearted once you'd calm. He couldn't find himself willing to disrupt your peace, once was enough when he'd popped up on you.

He stuffs his hands into his jean pockets, smiling to himself as his finger tips run across a old worn down paper boat in his pocket. Allowing his head to drop he turns around, to be gripped at the throat. All air flow cut off, he gags eyes growing wide as Pennywise draws closer.

The entity's eyes are unfocused, looking off in opposite directions a threatening growl escaping his throat. Large palm tightening around a slightly frail neck, Bill grunts teeth clenching as he struggles.

His jerks are fruitless, proving to be wasteful. He begins to see black spots in his vision, the blood vessels in his neck pop under the pressure of Pennywise's grip. Fingernails growing into claws that swiftly break skin, long ripples of scarlet drip over his dirtied circus clothes. Cascading down to merge into Billy's own casual clothing he adorned.

"Stay away." Penny hisses.

That gets Bill's attention, eyes trying to focus as he cocks a brow. He starts to find some strength, his own nails digging into the palm gripping him. Without a single beat he kicks off of the giantic beings chest. He goes flying back onto the concrete, the moment Bill tries to catch his breath and Pennywise is already on him.

Crowding his space with that mind numbing, intense presence. His large hand covers Billy's face, he peaks through the gaps at the entity. Breathing raggedly, he mildly tastes copper in his mouth. At the same moment something drips down onto his lower lip, tongue slipping over the unknown liquid.

Then they're back to their tussle. Billy's for his very life- Penny he has no idea what it's over. That he's just responding to emotion driven decisions.

"You're mine." Bill recoils at Penny's words, his tone of voice eerily reminding him of twenty seven years ago.

"She's mine." That confuses him.

"Not allowed to be one!"

Billy's head is spinning, all he can tell is this was the very same monster he'd faced before. Only he's different somehow? That he couldn't place as he finally breaks free, bloodied, cut up and lethargic.

| Howdy my fellow clussy's pfff I semi have things mapped out for this fic and I'm gonna try and keep each chapter ranging between 1000 to 1,500 words 2,000 max bc I don't want them to be too long. It's been so long so I hope y'all don't make me float tho I'd thank you lololol. But at least till after this shit is finished, I have a ending planned too whoo hooo~ actually had a ending planned for awhile now. It's kinda ominous but I feel like I suck at writing gore a shit but oh well. 🤷🏽‍♀️ |

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