Wedding Celebration

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You help curl your mom's last strand of hair, pinning it up into the rest of the intricately styled hair. Taking on big step back, you admire your handiwork as you look over at the YouTube video that's showing the final look.

"Huh.. I think I did good." You grin, turning your mom to look in the mirror.

"I think it's just how you wanted it."

"Angel, it's just how I wanted it! Oh thank you." She gets up and pulls you into a bone crushing hug, you all too readily sink into with delight. You hum into it also slightly disgusted with how cliche you were being, with how you sway her side to side.

"Momma..." you pause feeling tears threatening to fall.

"Yeah sweetheart?"

"I love you... okay, I always will.. no matter where I go? Or whatever happens. I'm always your daughter right?" You ask trying to find some closure while you still could. The invisible mental clock ticking down.

"Oh.. I love you babygirl.. always, and of course you'll always be my little girl, nothing will ever change that." Your mother pulls away looking you in the eyes, you give a cheerful smile and shake away the emotions.

"Ugh it's all these wedding jitter-feelings.." You sniffle shaking your arms out, just as LenaLee walks into the room in her bridesmaid dress looking like the prodigal daughter. The two you wow, truly stunned that a girl who'd normally rock sweatpants and a hoodie could dress up this well. Wasting as little time as possible you both switch off crushing her in emotional induced bear hugs.

"Thank you, thank you." She playfully curtsies.

"Now move over munchkin lemme work my makeup magic." Lena shoos you aside to which you gladly do, going to make sure your own makeup she did prior was still immaculate.

"Now soon to be Mrs. Rye," you all grin at that comment, the title had a certain ring to it, "What look are we going for, for the big day?" Lena cheeses.

"Something bold, but natural."

"Hmmm maybe a Smokey eye, cute blush? And the smokey eye can fade to the color theme?" You watch your mom nod her head agreeing excitedly, giving them the privacy you step out of the room shutting the door. Hearing faintly of rhyme stones being added in for an extra flair, and glitter. LenaLee was a sucker for glitter, where you could never go wrong with glitterfying things.

Just as you walk a little towards the stairway you catch a glimpse of Jackson in his tuxedo, with a silly grin you smile. He looks like a man who's won the lottery himself, hair slicked back to perfection. A little curlycue pulled out like Clark Kent. You're just bursting to the seems happy to see your mom was so happy- maybe she'd be content without you around anymore. There's always the possibility of having more kids, that stings just a bit too. You'd never get to be an older sister to them, watch them grow, teach them things, cheer them on when they fail or when they succeed. All those things seem so tiny now, like a blip as time would cease to mean so much to you.

"Mr. Rye. Or does dad work better?"

"Hey kiddo?" He tilts his head back to find where your voice came from, he smiles nodding his head. He made to ascend the stairs to join you.

"Wait!" He freezes as you head down to join him.

"You can't see the bride not yet at least, don't wanna risk breaking the wedding magical charm. That and it's bad luck." You grin looking up at him happily, you definitely felt the presence of a father finally in your life.

"Right I forgot about that, but yeah if it's all the same to you. I'm fine with being called dad." You nod your head knowing you never had your biological dad in the picture anyways.

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