Episode 4: "Elisha Goes Undercover"

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(this is actually supposed to be episode 3, but this is what the original says and I'm not changing anything from the original)

A few days after their encounter with GE in the supermarket, Logan and Elisha waited in the living room of the Thunder Squad base. A hour ago, they'd just sent out MicahSheldon, Francis Platt, and Karleigh Provost out to recruit more people for the Thunder Squad.

"We've not heard from Rebekah Dowling for a while," remarked Elisha as he checked the attendance list.

"I know, I hope her family hasn't managed to stop her from joining the uprising,"Logan said worriedly.

"Elisha," Logan said, "while we wait for the rest, we should get some combat practice in."

"A fine idea, comrade," Elisha agreed.
"Get suited up. I'll borrow Big Bertha from Beau." Logan headed up the stairs.
Ten minutes later, Elisha clanked down the hallway with a set of Micah's boots. He had the familiar green Frisbee latched onto his arm and a manly helmet perched on one side of his head.

A moment after, Logan thumped down the stairs, his legs and torso thoroughly protected by strong, tough cardboard. He grasped Big Bertha in his right hand.

"Alright," Elisha grunted from inside his off-center helmet. "Ready when you are."

Logan paused to re-tape a loose piece of armor. Then he raised Big Bertha above his head and charged.

Elisha valiantly caught the blow on his Frisbee. Then he pulled the Frisbee out andslashed it forward. Logan clanged his foil sword against Elisha's left arm. Elisha stepped back and hurled the Frisbee at Logan's helmet.

As the rest of Logan's knee guards fell off from the impact (Beau hadn't completelyfigured out how to use the Duck tape yet), the signal knock of the Thunder Squad members was heard at the door.

Disarming themselves, Logan and Elisha headed for the entrance. Outside, Micah, Francis, and Karleigh had returned. Another fellow stood next to them. Elisha ushered them inside as Karleigh handed her notebook of records to Logan.

"Everyone," said Logan, "please welcome our newest recruit, Nathan Rubingh."Everyone broke into applause and clapped Nathan on the back.
"We should have a Warrior Code recitation," Elisha suggested.

"Never attack a disarmed or restrained enemy!" said Micah enthusiastically.

"No fighting girls," added Francis.

"ROMANCE IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM IS TO BE ABHORRED!" shouted Elisha,Beau, and Logan together.

"No FRATERNIZING with the enemy," Beau yelled.

"Never leave a fellow member behind!" Karleigh said.

"The Thunder Squad can never die!" finished all the members together.

"You're going to need to memorize that," Logan informed Nathan. "It has all our core values."

Nathan said, "I will most certainly commit these regulations to heart."
"Alright, now for your mission reports," Elisha said. "Francis, you may go first." "I spoke to three people," Francis began, "but none of them were interested. Fortunately, I didn't meet any moderators."

"I spoke to four people," Micah interrupted, "and two of them flat out claimed we were crazy. They said the moderators were actually not evil; and we were making up stories."

"Outrageous!" Elisha said.

"Unbelievable!" Karleigh gasped.

"Reminds me of the time I wrote an anti-tyranny rhetoric presentation about the mods.Everyone spoke out against me! Whenever I show them the mods' doings, they say my evidence is trash! The tyrants have brainwashed them!" Logan declared with disdain.

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