Episode 6 "BETRAYED" (cue ominous music)

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Logan sauntered through the thunder squad base, swinging his pulped banana feeling at

peace. It had been a good day. He'd roasted Abigail Henriksen ("There's no I in stupid, but there

is a U," Logan had said to her), and, flushed with the success of his awesome might, he was in a

benevolent mood.

"Hi Kaleigh"

"Hi Chief," she said, sharpening her pencils and scrutinizing her notebook. There appeared to be a certain quantity of smushed noodle on her paper that made it difficult to write on.

"You got that roast earlier against Abigail written down, right?" Logan said anxiously.

Karleigh glanced at the page that smelled like sour milk.

"Yes Chief."

"Good good!" Logan said whilst waving a lordly hand. "Your services are commended. All things are as they should be."

"Yeah, Chief . . ."

Karleigh bent her head over her notebook as she sorted out the clean pages. Logan raised an

eyebrow. His loyal supporter was abnormally lacking in her praise and encouragement of his

impressive self. That roast had been worthy of at least four cheers. His discerning, wise self

deemed something amiss.

"What is it?" he said. "Is something wrong."

"We-e-ell . . ." Karleigh said. "No, nothing's wrong."

Logan was about to walk away, reassured, when his intellectual brain of 210 IQ suddenly

told him that maybe she hadn't been exactly truthful.

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" he said. He assumed an attitude of trusty

companionship. "You can trust me. I am Logan Wright, after all."

"Well," Karleigh said. "I think . . . some of us . . . no names, of course . . . might be not as

loyal to the thunder squad as they used to be . . ."

Logan gasped. He was horrified. He was offended. Dramatic minor-key music blared

from speakerphones and he assumed a pose of hurt innocence.

"Wait where's that music coming from?"

"Oh sorry," Karleigh said, lunging for her iPod.

"Ahem," Logan said, dropping his pose. "What do you mean might not be as loyal as they

used to be? Who?"

"I'm not going to say any names," Karleigh said, stubbornly. "But . . . just letting you


Come to think, Logan thought. He hadn't been seeing the other thunder squad around

just as much. When he'd made that roast, there'd definitely only been three cheers, not four. Was

. . . was there really? A . . . he couldn't say it . . . mutiny?

Karleigh turned her iPod back on and officiously shuffled the pages of her notebook. With

horror, Logan realized she was listening to the same Japanese song the great and terrible

Katherine Dowling had been listening to on their last mission. He fled the room, feeling lost,

saddened, betrayed.


A few minutes later, Logan came to his senses. He was Logan Wright! He was master

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