Oxyuranus Microlepidotus
I ran to the backpack picked it up and put it to Lay,
"Look at me Lay, You have to go" I say, he just looks at me in shock
"No Zero, let's go together, I found the way out here while absorbing that snake, I don't want you to die!!!" he said teary eyed
"No Lay I have to kill the snake, I can't let them put this darn thing at the sea, and it might reach the cities and kill all the people" I say being paranoid
"Lay I have to ok....see this grenade" I showed him the 3 grenades in my hand, I think he is too worried, I also want to cry right now, I'm putting my life on the line
"Fine" he said and wiped his eyes, "The weakness of this Inland taipan is fire its eyes are sensitive to light but it doesn't matter but if fire strikes the venom its skin will be softer and the poison will disappear" he said straight, great this is perfect
"But be careful of the sting and the venom, the venom is on his teeth not on the saliva, his tail is more dangerous be careful" he said with eyes full of worry
I nod my head, "Zero you have to return immediately, I don't think I can escape this experimental place without you" he said and hugged me tighter "It's ok I will come to you once I'm done" I say, he looked at me seriously, then lift his hands to the air just below his chin, he looked like searching for something, his character looked like one of those in movies doing magic by lifting their hands,
"Something wrong" I asked he just continue what he is doing "Right here!!!" he said and walked near a mamba, behind it is a big metal box, he went there and tried to lift it but it was heavy "Let me?" I lift the heavy iron box it was cold like ice and it contains another iron case "What is this?" I asked it has a lock a pin lock, I tried to put a password but it didn't work, Lay just concentrated at the box case for about 2 min, then he started to type a number, it was amazing it opened with a glimpse of an eye, it was containing two small syringe with the size of a pen containing a blue liquid inside, "What is that?!!" I asked in continue there is nothing I could do than ask, I feel so ignorant "it's a medicine!!!" he say, my eyes widened, this ability of him is very powerful unbelievable , "This liquid is created by Vladimir it's strong, you could use it if you got bitten by that snake!!!" his eyes are still filled with worry, he even managed to find a cure for me, "Please stay alive Zero" he whimpered and hugged me as tight as a koala, I hugged him back, "Thank you Lay!!!" was all I said and I dragged him out to run, after a few steps he looked at me one more time before proceeding to run
I smiled at him then I closed the door gently, my smiley face has turned into a grin, I faced the snake and, there is no more turning back, this is my decision, I will kill this snake no matter what happens
Lay was running towards east, he can't believe what he is seeing at the floor, 2 men dead the other was shot in the neck and now is dead on the floor, the other is also shot right at the head, he was amazed, he knew Zero killed these guys, he also passed by the skinny armed guy Zero killed, he went to the skinny man and closed his blue eyes before proceeding to run at the Iron door
Zero stands still 25 steps away from the glass cylinder, she puts the pen sized syringe at the back pocket of her pants, it wasn't dangerous after all for the cup of the syringe is glass and it is hard to take off where it is attached, she clenched her hands at the grenades still shaking in panic while looking at the glass breaking little by little, the Inland snake is starting to move its tale, bubbles starts to form in its nose, the snake starts to breathe little by little its head started to wiggle, Zero starts to shake even more her eyes starts to tear and is about to give up her heart starts to race faster, her legs grew numb not wanting to move an inch shaking in agony,
ZERO, Experimental Escape
ActionZero ran back home late at night, however a van stopped and kidnapped her without a reason, they used her as a money bait to get a big amount of money however she killed the captor and ran to the building, she found it suspicious like a hospital...