Chapter 13

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Escape to the mountains

They ran towards the hill, some soldiers are now chasing after them, both kids never looked back but kept running, dogs are now barking towards them a panic came right at Zero, the dogs are big and strong

"Z...Zero, let's stop for a while?" says Lay panting while running
" time the dogs are coming!!!" yelled Zero
"no, I have to distract their minds" says Lay
They both stop in a nearby three
"hurry do your thing, they are coming!!!!" yelled Zero looking around nervous that those dog might come and eat them

Lay put his palms in the ground and closed his eyes

Inside his mind, a colorful veins uccured, his ears was designed to hear hundred miles away, he could even hear insects flying crickets chirping

His vision was in his mind looking at the dogs heading towards their way, their all bulldogs, there are about 3 of them, there are also 2 men coming up ahead with a tranquilizers in their hand, it's a thing to catch them asleep, Lay pulled back from his vision,  bringing himself back to reality the dogs are now meters from them

"Lay let's go!!!" yelled Zero
"Cover your ears Zero" says Lay
"hurry cover your ears!!!!" Zero did so and covered her ears with her palms

Lay steadied his vision while looking at the dogs coming their way
The mens are now about to shoot them too

Lay opened his mouth, a strange sound came right at his mouth, a vocal of a none human sound waved through them, Zero deepened her palms on her ears, the sound was like twisting her brain, she knelt down to cover herself

It was just a song of a whale, waves went to the dogs, now stopped and murmuring on the floor, the men with guns covered their ears and dropped their tranquilizer down the ground, their ears are bleeding like hell

They are now epilepting in pain, their heads are aching so bad that they keep banging their head

Zero didn't had any effect because the main Target of Lay is the dogs and men who is about to kill them

After 2 min or so, Lay stopped and gasp down the grass
He fell unconscious
The men and the dogs are dead from the sound, their brains overreacted from the sound and waves of the song
It twisted their veins and manipulated their mind, they died with their eyes bleeding and unclosed

Zero went near Lay who is now unconscious to the dusty ground
She shook him awake but he looked tired and out of energy, Zero Ran to one of the guys and searched for phones,

"" after 5 sec she found touchscreen, she dashed back to Lay and carried her, she felt a lot stronger again, she didn't feel tired but is in rage to run, she didn't feel any pain from her past injuries
She carried lay behind and ran up the mountains


"ma'am we couldn't find No.6 and that girl, but we found this!!" A man in black military suit say as he show Varza the dead bodies of the people Lay killed, they were all dead without their eyes  unshut, their skins turned blue while their ears are dripping river, the dogs had their eyes open, also their mouth was full of saliva

"ma'am that sound earlier, it's from no.6 he might have known he is able to sing a whales echo!!!" says the blonde scientist
"Shay how many people can he kill?" asked Varza
"he is able to kill all people that he wants, he can connect the veins in his brain to the mind of the enemy, he will fully control them and kill them with the sound, it depends on who the person will kill, the sound aint that dangerous but if he connect his mind to you, the sound wave will overreact yours and make you crazy??" explained Shay
"how about him, is there any damage he can get using his power!!!" asked Varza again
"yes he might die because he is still a kid, he might be very intelligent and his brain is healthy and powerful, but he could still lose control and his brain might shut forever!!!" answered Shay getting worried
"please we have to find no.6 Doc Vladimir will be back any day now?" says Shay

"I KNOW, SHUT UP!!!" yelled Varza
"August, get your tiny army and find that Brat Zero, they might be wandering inside the forest, once I get Zero, I'll strangle her with my hands!!!" she yelled

5:06 AM

"L...lay you are awake!!!" says Zero worried, she went near Lay and support him to sit up straight
" head hurts!!!" says Lay crying, Zero hugged him and blow his head
"must have been the cause of what happened earlier" says Zero
"I...I did the echo waves earlier!!!" says Lay, he looks like he couldn't believe what he had done
"echo" says Zero, while fixing his Harry Potter custom tying them into Knot
"yes, I was shot by a blood of experimented beluga whale, it has blue blood, his right iris was given to me, after they shot me with it's blood, the beluga whale died, and all the ability went straight to me, it's intelligent went to my brain using his echo waves putting all his ability inside my body, the scientist used some kind of iron Hat that is connected to the beluga whale, I consumed all the whales blue blood his right eye is mine while the other is from the other experiment, but mine is more powerful because I have combined animal blood inside me" says Lay, Zero sat amazed looking at him with

"how did they do that?" asked Zero
"it's Vladimir's Experiment???" say Lay a tranquilizer went straight to Zero's neck and sipped her blood, Zero snapped it out of her and threw it away
", did I not feel their presence!!!" yelled Lay
Zero is now holding her Neck, a man came out holding a white tranquilizer with blood below a glass, containing Zero's blood
Zero hugged Lay, and pointed the gun at him

"give me the Kid girl??" he said
"fuck you!!!" she yelled and shot him inches on the face, she ran fast deeper in The woods, the soldier was left dumbfounded holding his face
"I'm still alive!!!"

Zero and Lay ran away as fast as they can through the edge of a tree
"some others are catching up!!!" says Lay Panting and gasping some air
"don't worry they will be here any second now!!!" says Zero
"who?" asked Lay
"I sent Zack our location, they are on their way, come on the sun will bite the sky ang minute now, we have to go up high the mountains!!!"
Zero pulled Lay and drag him along

"Ma'am I got the girl's blood!!!" Varza hurried her hand and slapped the soldier
"you idiot, I said the blood of the boy!!!" she yelled
"sorry ma'am I missed!!!"
"whatever just go back and catch those thugs, their getting in my nerve!!!!" she said stressed out, August put down the blood on the table and they exited out of the room

Varza took the blood and gave it to a scientist
"miss Varza, Sir Vladimir is back" says one of the scientist
"how is he too early!!!"
"Examine that, I'll need to go and greet sir Vladimir!!!" says Varza handing the blood to Shay

Zero and Lay is now surrounded, with soldiers after running for decades, they are panting and gasping for air while rounding with the soldiers
"give it up money Bait and give us the boy!!"
"we'll send you safe back to your mom"
Zero was still holding her gun pointing it to the soldiers while protecting Lay on her back

", I might need to use Waves again!!!" says Lay
" you can't you'll past out again!!!" says Zero
"give me the Kid!!!" yelled the soldiers
"we have no choice!!!" says Zero, she cupped her ears
lay closed his eyes connecting his waves to the brains of the 15 soldiers surrounding them, he then opened his mouth and shout a sound of whales, Zero ran away from him behind a three and cupped her ears for protection

Once again the soldiers was holding their head like crazy, the waves are now shaking their brain cutting their mind to endless shiver

Their ears bled out their eyes grew white their mouth opened with white saliva coming out of their mouth

Zero only heard nothing but Lays shouting, his mind is shaking but felt she is still protected, Lays Waves are only focused on the soldiers

After 2 min Lay stopped and fell down the floor
"L...lay!!!" she shouted
Lay was still breathing and gasping some air, he seemed to use all his strength doing waves
"hold on Lay, speak to me!!!" she asked
Zero held him and put him in a nearby three
"Lay look at me, wake up please!!!" yelled Zero slapping his pale cheeks lightly
After 10 sec, Lay woke up and saw Zero in relief
"your awake!!!" she grinned a smile
"W...who are you!!!!" he said, a dread of panic came to Zero while looking at Lay

He was looking at her like a stranger,
"L....Lay it's me, Zero!!!" she exclaimed
Lay gave a light faint cry and murmured
"I...dont Know you!!!"

Second to the last chapter hope you like it
Vote and comment I would appreciate it

I love Linkin Park ♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶'♡)ノ ♬ ♪

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