Chapter One: Experiment

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A/N: So like. . . this story popped into my head so I just pretty much wrote it down lol. And before anyone says anything, I know the beginning sounds like the game Beyond Two Souls but believe me that it has nothing to do with it. Also, I'd like to remind you all that it's expected of me to tweak the tags here and there so watch out for that. If anything major is changed, I will absolutely make sure to let you guys know. ENJOY

"Alright, this is just like last time okay? Tell me when you're ready." A little boy of six years old nodded his head. He was wearing a device on his head, little x-ray monitors were stuck to his temples. "Alright Jungkook, we're going to begin." A woman said through a microphone. Three people laid behind a one way window, watching the six year old. He was sat on a chair, a table in front of him. There was a camera as well as a tripod in the room with him. The woman looked at Jungkook before pressing a red button with the words record written on it. "ProjectA396. Age six years old, test number twenty five. Attempt thirty three, Telekinesis. ProjectA396, there's a room on the other side of the wall in front of you.

In that room, there's a box of building blocks of different colors. Do you think you can pick up all red of them and place them on the table?" Jungkook nodded his head as he closed his eyes. The minute he did, he saw the room the woman was talking about. There was a table in the middle of the room, a chair in front of it. In the corner was a door, the box of blocks was sat next to it. As hard as he could, he used all the strength he had to lift the first red block he saw. It levitated slowly onto the table. When Jungkook raised the second one, he felt sweat fall down onto his cheek. "I. . . I can't anymore." Jungkook said in a soft voice.

The woman smiled before she pressed another button, speaking through the microphone once more. "Attempt Thirty three was a minor success. Will continue on observation within the twenty four hours. This was ProjectA396, lab number five in district five." The woman let go of the record button, shutting everything down before she stood up. She walked into the room Jungkook was in and quickly took off the metal device around his head. "I'm sorry. . ." The woman smiled when Jungkook frowned, apologizing for not being able to complete his task.

"Aww it's okay, we always have tomorrow. Come on, are you hungry?" Jungkook nodded his head before she gave him a tight hug. "Good, let's go." He followed the woman out of the room, hand intertwined with hers. He smiled as soon as they entered the cafeteria. "Heya champ, heard you were able to carry two blocks this time. You're getting really strong." A man with brown hair said. He wore a tag on his left side of his chest, the name Kevin was engraved on it.

Jungkook smiled at him before chuckling to himself, shy that all the attention was placed on him. The other people in the cafeteria all congratulated him for achieving another milestone since he started his tests. It's been four months since he started and even though he feels tired after every single one, he always felt accomplished seeing the smile on everyone's faces. Jungkook wanted everyone to be happy and proud of him. He wanted these people to feel proud of the things he's done.

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