Chapter 6~ Alive

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Bakugo's POV
All of a sudden I see a huge spark of light next to me. I didn't even have time to react before my body gets slammed into the side of the train. It felt like hours but it couldn't have been more than 10 seconds before I opened my eyes. The beautiful white, clean train I was just on was up in flames and smoke.
"KIRISHIMA"  I screamed over and over. My throat burned from all the smoke and ash and screaming. I couldn't hear myself yelling. I couldn't see Kiri. Tears stream down my face.
"KIRI" I started to cough and gasp for air. I CANT SEE KIRI. I feel a hand touch the tips of my fingers. I turn around at lightning speed. It's Kiri.
He taps my hand in a repetitive pattern of
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..-
He keeps doing it over and over. It's comforting it lets me know he's still alive and wake. And then it stops.
No response
"Kiri tap me again"
"No No No you are not dying."
"Kiri you can survive this common we have to make it out alive. We are gonna be heroes together."
Fuck why isn't he responding? I can't look over at him in the position we are in under all this rubble but I can feel is hand. I trace my way up to his wrist and press two fingers down.
No pulse.
"Im sorry, I loved you"

I Loved You~ KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now