Chapter 3~ you

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Bakugo's POV
After a lot of walking, and signing Kiri and I finally arrive at the fair. I ask him if he wants ice cream and he says yes so I tell him to wait in line for any ride while u get him some. After I get the ice cream I see him standing by the teacup ride smiling like a child. I see him sign 'come here' so I make my way over to the redhead. I hand him his ice cream which was salted caramel flavor. He said it's his favorite, he said it reminds him of me. Due to my quirk, I sweat nitroglycerin, which does smell and taste like caramel and because of my explosions I smell like burnt sugar.
~Time Skip~
Kirishima's POV
After spending hours with Bakugo we decided to start finishing up our date. I spent the whole day struggling to communicate with the hot-tempered blond. I want to get better at sign language so we can communicate easier, I even paid for a teacher but I haven't told Kat that just yet. I want to surprise him by learning how to say "I love you, will you be mine forever." and giving him a promise ring. The ring was already purchased and sitting in a small box hidden under some of my clothes. It was a beautiful ruby the color of me and Kat's eyes with this day, our first date, engraved into it. Currently, Kat and I are waiting in line for the Ferris wheel. We are talking about heroes and our future plans. Of course, he wants to be number one, I don't care much about my rank as long as I'm with him. After a few minutes, we get into our little cart and the ride starts as we are nearing the top I place my head on his shoulder, I take a deep breath and I whisper into his ear "I love you, Kat." I know he can't hear me but he can still feel my breath and the way my fingers curl up into his beautiful hair. I see him smile, oh how I love that smile. I quickly kiss his cheek and look out into the sky. I hear tiny popping sounds, like pop rocks, he does that whenever he is flustered.
3rd Person POV
They both think to themselves, I will never forget tonight.

I Loved You~ KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now