Chapter 7~, I miss you

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Bakugo's Diaries
December 2nd, 2019
The paramedics said they were going to try to save you. I was advised, more like forced to not visit the hospital. News reports say there were 3 suicide bombings on trains in Japan. The death count at the moment is 150 Woman, 100 Men, 20 children and a total of 15 bodies to torn up and mangled to identify. Classes at U.A have been canceled until further notice. That's all I have for tonight.

December 6th, 2019
Time of death: 01:30
I went to visit you every day before you died. You were in a coma. I never believed in an afterlife but God damn do I hope I was wrong. I hope someday we will meet up again. I hate myself. You were killed by a bomb, an explosion. I can't look at my explosions anymore. It was my fault. I planned the date. I got us on that train. If only he waited for one more stop. Then you would be here, with me. What about our plan's we where gonna be heroes. Red Riot and I saving the world. I wanted to have a family with you. I wanted to have kids with you. I wanted to spend Christmas with you. Why did you have to leave me?

December 13th, 2019
I haven't used my quirk for a week. I don't think I will ever use it again. Why wasn't it me? Why didn't I die? IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME GOD DAMMIT! I've already started cleaning out your stuff. It's hard to get rid of it. I wonder if you can see me. Everyone at the dorms misses you. Deku and I talk more now. The whole class is changing. Shinso joined 1-A I can't help but feel he is taking your spot though nobody sits in your seat. Every day we lay flowers at your desk. I hate to admit I still make dinner for you. I leave a cup of water and an extra plate out.

Bakugo's POV
~ time skip to December 24~
I didn't feel up to going out tonight so I'm sitting in my dorm room clearing out the last pile of your clothes I have. I pick up a Crimson riot shirt j got you for your birthday and set it aside on my bed with a pile of other things I m keeping to remember you. I look back at the cabinet and I see a small white box. I pick it up slowly, carefully. I open it and it's a ring. A beautiful silver ring with a ruby in the center. There's a date on it, December 2nd. I stare at the ring as tears spill from my eyes. The ruby looks like his eyes. I slip on the ring and realize there is writing on the box,
" Kat, I love you. I can't wait for us to have a real family"
I walk over to the balcony.
It's a brutally frigid night. So cold that I can see my breath turning into a cloud in front of me. I can feel my tears freezing on the time of my eyelashes and the stream of tears down my face felt so cold it almost burned. I look off into the night sky. I see one star shining brighter than all the others. I can't help but imagine that it's Kiri, looking down on me.

December 6th, 2035
Bakugo's POV
I'm 32 years old. I have two beautiful kids, a 10-year-old named Aka and an 8-year-old named Sumairu. I tell them story's of you, Kiri. I tell them that that's their daddy. I miss you. I'm the number two hero. Deku is number one. All of class 1-a visits your grave on the anniversary. I did it. I made a family. I hope I made you happy. I can't wait to see you again. Until then I'll make sure I fulfill all our dreams so you can be proud of me.

I Loved You~ KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now