Chapter 3

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I sat in my car in the parking lot of my apartment after work with my brain running a mile a minute. It was the night of my date with Chris, and I had been so nervous about it all day I could barely concentrate while I was at work. Just then my phone started ringing, it was a call from Estelle. I groaned before picking it up.


"When are you gonna come upstairs and get ready?" She said clearly annoyed.

"What do you mean? I'm not even home yet, how could I possibly come upstairs to get ready?"

"Stop being dumb I can see you in your car from our window."

I leaned over my steering wheel and saw her standing in the window waving at me. "Okay fine. I'll come get ready. Just one step closer to looking like a fool on this date." I hung up the phone and pulled myself out of the car. I really wasn't sure why I was so nervous to go on this date. It wasn't like I had never gone on dates before. I'd been on plenty but I always felt like I was the one in control, but for some reason, this felt like new territory. 

As soon as I walked in the door Estelle was there to question me. "So what are you going to wear tonight?"

I set my purse on the counter and trudged into my room. "I have no idea. Maybe just a trash bag to get the point across." I said and threw myself onto the bed.

Estelle followed me into the room and stood in the doorway. "Laurel Marie Barnes if you deny how amazing you are one more time I will beat the shit out of you I swear."

"Wow, that's very reassuring thank you." I groaned.

"Okay, listen to me." She said and sat next to me on the bed. "You have absolutely no reason to be freaking out this much right now. He asked you out for a reason. He thinks you are freaking beautiful and he is not wrong. So stop beating yourself up and go get that ass in a hot as hell outfit before I go on this date for you."

I rolled over and sat up. "You are right about that, I guess. Let's do this thing."

"Okay great, because I already have a few ideas for things you could wear." She said and pulled open the door to my closet. "These jeans make your ass look amazing so I definitely think they are a must." 

I laughed at her as she tossed them to me on the bed. "I mean, you're not wrong. These also look really good with those black boots." I added, pointing to the pair of shoes sitting on the floor of my closet. She handed them over to me and continued digging through my closet.

"Why have I never seen you wear this shirt before?" She asked, pulling out a maroon top with small flowers printed on it. "This is so cute, Laurel."

I stood up and took the hanger from her. "It's a little too lowcut I think," I said as I held it against my torso in front of my mirror. "I don't want to advertise too heavily."

She rolled her eyes and took the shirt from me and placed it on the bed with the jeans I was set to wear. "Like you don't already advertise those boobs on the daily." I crossed my arms and stared at her in silence. "Come on, you won't be giving off the wrong impression, you're just lightly showing off the assets."

"Fine." I sighed and walked into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup before I had to go. "So are you just gonna hang out in here while I'm getting ready?" I asked, noticing that she had sat on the bed and opened up my laptop.

"I'm gonna do some research on this man that you are going out with tonight."

"Estelle, what did I say about stalking my dates?"

"It's only some light internet stalking. Everyone does it stop freaking out. Now, do you know what his last name is?"

I paused for a moment, realizing I had no idea what it was. "Um, I think it started with an E but I can't guarantee that's correct."

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