Chapter 5

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For the first month of our relationship, everything felt blissful. I barely thought about the whole fame thing because as long as we were together it didn't matter. The amount of time we spent together that first month was bordering on excessive. I'd never had a relationship with someone where being with them didn't feel like a chore. It was scary and exhilarating all at the same time.

One weekend Estelle had to go home for a family event that she spent the entire week before complaining about, so Chris and I had the whole apartment to ourselves. I spent that entire Friday morning cleaning the apartment before he got there. I still wanted to hold up the image that I was a well put together adult. I had even planned out a dinner for us to make together to boost my girlfriend points. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on my pristine living room Chris buzzed up from the front door. "I have arrived bearing gifts." His voice crackled through the speaker.

"Oh, what is it?"

"It's a surprise." He laughed. "Buzz me in and you'll find out."

"Fine, I guess." I joked and let him inside. When I opened the door he was standing outside with flowers and a bottle of wine.

"I know its cliche but it felt fitting for our first official weekend together."

I laughed and pulled him inside. "I love it, cliches and all." I gave him a kiss and lead him inside.

"You know, this place feels a lot different without Estelle eyeing me down the whole time."

I laughed, taking the flowers from him and walked into the kitchen to find a vase. "She's just very protective. Kind of like a dog, she has to sniff you out before she can really trust you."

"I guess it's a good thing I always remember deodorant." He joked.

"I think I just physically cringed at that joke."

"They can't all be winners I guess."

We opened the bottle of wine and talked for a while before deciding we should probably start cooking before it got too late. 

"So, what is on the menu for this evening?" He asked. 

"All right, so this might have been an ambitious choice on my part," I started, pulling up the recipe on my laptop, "but I thought spaghetti carbonara would be a good idea." 

"You picked the perfect meal for me to showcase my Italianness." He joked and got up from his seat to start collecting all the ingredients with me. We didn't talk a whole lot while we were cooking, but it was a comfortable silence. I let him take over for a while while I drank my wine. "You're doing a lot of staring over there." He winked at me.

"Just admiring the view." I joked. "I'm really starting to understand why casting directors love you." He laughed and returned to cooking leaving me to admire him once again. 

After dinner, we sat on the couch watching tv. It was so domestic and I never thought I'd really be into that sort of thing, but with him it felt so right. I turned to look at him and caught him looking back at me. "Whatcha looking at there?"

"Just you." He said. There was something in his eyes and I could tell exactly what he wanted.

"Well," I said leaning into the moment, "do you like what you see?"

"Oh, I do." He paused the tv and leaned back to me, gingerly placing a kiss on my neck. He whispered into my neck, "I definitely do," and I felt goosebumps form all over my body. I placed my hand on his jaw and guided his face back up to mine. I hovered my lips over his for a second just to tease him but he wasn't having any of it and quickly pressed his lips against mine. He started gently then separated my lips with his tongue. I knew he was a great kisser but this was so much more intense. He grabbed my leg and pulled me so I was straddling him on the couch. His hands quickly found their way to my ass. The man knew what he liked. 

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