Why do you smile?

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  Something smelt delicious....and his stomach slowly growled. Gray felt himself lying on something very comfy and it almost made him want to lie down and just forget about everything that was happening. Or what he didn't know but needed to find out. He opened his eyes drowsily to feel a blinding light hit him in the face.

He slowly sat up and looked around. Where was he? He was in a house but whose he didn't know. He could see he was lying on a pillow with a cover on his-Fuck. Him turning into a cat wasn't a dream. Why did all the crazy shit always happen to him?

  He was on someone's couch though ,he knew for sure. Someone had placed him on the couch with a pillow and a blanket. He was getting creeped out. Who the hell's house was he in? He quickly jumped off the couch and he heard a noise coming from somewhere. Then he heard a pot drop. Okay, he was really scared then. 

But he needed to get out of-whatever place he was in. He started to creep around the couch trying to hide in the shadows. Then he saw a familiar shade of light blue locks.
' Is that...?'
But before he could think anything else,the bluenette turned around and stared at him in shock,still with a pot in her hand.He didn't move. She didn't move. They just stared lost in their own thoughts.' Umm this is awkward..',Gray thought. What the hell was he supposed to do? Did she even know he was a cat? A part of him hoped she didn't. And was this her house? If it was, why was he there? Then he remembered. He had passed out after learning he turned into a cat. A.Fucking.cat. And she was there. Juvia was. To see it all.

"G-Gray~sama?"She stuttered.

Shit, she knew.  She had a look of suprise and nervousness in her face. He said nothing, he just stared. "Umm...",she bit her lower lip and her brows furrowed.
"I-Is it you,Gray~sama?"
He finally tried his voice.

"J-juvia?" he said slowly.

Her eyes widened in suprise and she felt like she was going to faint. She really hoped that voice she heard from that black cat that sounded like Gray's wasn't her imagination,because she was beginning to feel crazy.

Then she thought about it, and slowly started to approach him. Gray started to back up  as she walked closer but  he was up against a wall. She kneeled down eyes with warmth in them, and the blueness of them engulfing him. She held out her hands slowly. Gray was terrified with what was happening to him. How could he change back?

Juvia realized he was scared so she tried some reassuring words. She was sure he could understand considering he just spoke her name.

"It's alright Gray~sama. I'm not going to hurt you. Do you know what
happened?" Gray thought about it.

" I somehow turned into...a c-cat. And then I fainted,I t-think." Gray mumbled out.
He couldn't understand how he was a cat, but he knew it was possible. Anything was possible when magic is involved. Someone could have given him a potion or something! To turn him into...this. It was possible. After all Gajeel and Nastu had flying talking cats. What was stopping him from being turned into one?
"Yes you did. Juvia brought you back to her place because she didn't know what else to do..."
Juvia trailed off and put her arms down.
She then looked into Gray's eyes with confidence.
"We will find a way to turn you back Gray~sama! Promise!" Gray looked at her in disbelief, but the disbelief melted away when he  saw the look in her eyes.

She would try to help him turn back.

"Okay..." Gray mumbled looking down.

He had to focus on finding answers. He was SO not going to stay a fish loving freak all his life.
"J-juvia made you something to eat,if you want any..." she said looking back at the stove.
"She knew you were probably weak since you passed out,but food gives energy so....I made some!"she smiled brightly.

He was really hungry.
he grumbled hesitantly walking-or should he saw crawling closer to Juvia. Why did she smile at him as if he didn't change? He was an animal now. He should be treated like one. But instead she smiled at him as if nothing changed....

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