Finally out!

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 Juvia was peeking her head around the corner and with a wave of her hand, Gray was quickly walking to the corner. Juvia then started down the other hall to get to the stairs. Juvia was telling herself to not look nervous and calm down. It was really hard when she was trying to sneak a man out her living quarters! And what if one of the girls saw her with Gray? They would think something was going on! And then everyone would call her the slut of Fairy Hills and she would be kicked out!! Juvia took a calming breath. She had to focus. She carefully peeked around the other corner and sprinted to the stairs that led to the 1st floor of the building. She started walking down the stairs until she spotted red scarlet hair walking up the stairs. Juvia gasped and started to make hand signals to Gray to go back and hide.

"Juvia? Is everything alright?" The familiar voice said.

 Juvia whipped her head around and answered way quicker and louder than she usually does making herself sound suspicious.

 "Y-YES ERZA~SAN!"She had an awkward too tight smile on her face and her eyes were wide open in suprise .

 Erza noticed the abnormal expression on her face and asked again,feeling something was bothering her.

"Are you sure Juvia?" Erza now had a worried expression on her face now,while Juvia had a nervous one.

 Time seemed to go on,and on, and on in Juvia's opinion. Juvia was about to crack until Erza's piercing gaze left her face and Erza let out a sigh. 

"Well alright. Just....let me know if you need anything. Or someone to talk to."Erza showed a kind smile before walking past Juvia and walking up the rest of the steps. 

I hope Gray~sama is hiding well! Erza~san has really good senses! Juvia thought to herself. Juvia waited for Erza to walk up the rest of the stairs so she wouldn't look suspicious, and then she scrambled up the stairs. Juvia looked around and heard a voice.

"Psssst!Juviaaaa!" Gray's voice sounded really muffled.

 Juvia was confused. She slowly walked back down the stairs and looked around. Gray was crouching under the space below the stairs using his ice-make magic as a barrier under his body to keep him from falling. Juvia snorted trying to keep from laughing, then she finally let go and bust out laughing. Gray scowled when he saw Juvia laughing at his awkward position under the steps. Then a slight smile spread on his face and he huffed to cover it up.

"J-just help me up already! Geez." Gray grumbled while he held out his hand so Juvia could grab it and help him from under the stairs.

 "I'm sorry Gray~sama!" Juvia said while she had a big goofy smile on her face. 

Obviously she wasn't sorry for laughing. Juvia helped him up but she accidently tripped on a step trying to position herself. Juvia tried to catch herself before she fell but she her arms seemed like they were frozen. Then she felt a strong pair of arms stop her from falling. She turned around and seen Gray holding her to his chest while his black hair covered his face. His onyx colored eyes locked onto her sapphire blue ones. They stared at one another taking in the way the light hit both of their faces and created shadows on the rest. Gray took in the way Juvia's eyes gleamed and how her long eyelashes fell over her blue colored eyes slowly. Then it hit him of what he was doing. Gray was the first one to pull away and  he turned to walk down the rest of the stairs. Juvia stared as he was walking and finally got her brain to work

."S-s-sorry Gray~sama..."Juvia apologized.

"Yeah...just watch where your stepping alright?" Gray said as he continued to walk. 

She then scurried behind him. But Gray didn't like the feel of his cheeks burning and his heart feeling like it was about to jump out his chest. He took a breath.He didn't know why but he felt like....he wanted to kiss her when he was staring earlier. Why did he feel like this? 'Nah. It was just me feeling anxious' Gray thought to himself. They finally got to the bottom of the steps and peeked around the corner. The door was open and there was nobody in the lobby. They sprinted out of the building and took a breath of relief when they were far enough away under a tree. Juvia let out a giggle and clutched her stomach. Gray looked up and confusion spread on his face. Juvia looked at him and smiled such a beautiful smile it lit up her whole face. 

"That was so fun Gray~sama! It felt like we were spies or something!"Juvia giggled.

 Gray tried to frown but her smile was contagious.

"I was going to get killed by Erza if we were found out!" Gray sounded exasperated.

 What was with this girl? This wasn't the girl he saw almost everyday that fawned over everything he did. This was...different. Somewhat more refreshing to Gray. Juvia then looked around with her hand covering her face to keep the sunlight out her eyes. She gasped and pointed at a nearby shop.

"Gray~sama! We have to try this shop's cakes! Erza-san recommended them to me before, and I never tried them. Please can we stop for cake?"

 Juvia looked at him with puppy dog eyes and Gray frowned. 

"Why didn't you try them before now? We can't waste time on eating." Gray said scowling looking away.

"Juvia....didn't have anybody to try it with...and she didn't want to eat alone..."Juvia mumbled with sad eyes looking at the ground in shame. 

Gray suddenly felt a pang of guilt in his stomach and he sighed.He mentally slapped himself for what he was about to agree to but continued anyway.

"Fine...but we have to make it quick."Gray grumbled. Juvia's eyes immediately lit up and a big smile spread on her face.

" Okay Gray~sama!! Let's go!"Juvia said pulling his arm towards the shop building. 'What is even going on anymore?' Gray thought to himself as he shook his head.

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