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Gray's head was spinning with happiness. He was so glad to get his body back that he didn't see Juvia standing there in shock at his naked body. Honestly he couldn't really care less about her seeing his body. He was pretty sure everyone at the guild knew what his body looked like.

Even his closest friends probably memorized every muscle and curve of his body. But that didn't mean he was comfortable seeing Juvia half naked. Not at all. He was dreading the moment when she would come out of her room that she rushed to out of embarrassment.

He could just feel the awkward tension oozing out the closed door. He sighed. Then he heard the door open and he jolted forward. Juvia came out with a beautiful red dress and her hair was tied up in a bun, actually suited to show off her long pale neck.

He hadn't really seen her before without her usual navy blue dress and Russian looking hat. In fact it was kind of refreshing. But the weird thing was Juvia was closing her eyes as she walked out the door,and she was clutching a blanket.

"H-here,G-gray~sama! A blanket for your b-body..."Her face flushed a deep red again as she recalled the moment from earlier.

She was still holding out the blanket so Gray slowly took it.

"Thanks I guess. You know you don't have to be so embarrassed about it. It's not like you haven't seen me naked before."Gray smirked as he wrapped it around his waist.

"C-can J-juvia open her eyes now?"She asked still shutting her eyes tightly with a face as red as Erza's hair.

Gray thought for a moment. Her reaction was sort of amusing.

"Yeah,I'm good." Gray replied.

Juvia slowly peeked with one eye just to make sure he was presentable then opened both with a sigh of relief. Juvia plopped herself on her dark blue couch and Gray sat down across from her.

"So....how did you get your body back,Gray~sama?"Juvia asked with hesitation.

She doubted he knew but it didn't hurt to ask right?Gray scratched his head mindlessly in concentration,trying to recall anything that happened that could have triggered him turning back. He sighed when he came up with nothing.

"Honestly,I have no idea. I'm just as confused as you are."Gray replied.

Juvia bit her lip. It felt good to be relied on,but now that his body was back to normal, it felt like she wasn't needed anymore. She was happy for Gray, she really was. But she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that she didn't spend as much time with Gray as she would have liked. Not that it mattered. She would always be viewed as a friend no matter what. She felt tears forming at the corners of her eyes but she looked up and smiled instead.

"I'm really happy  for you Gray~sama!It must have been horrible being in a cat body. Now that your back to normal you can pretend like none of this ever happened."Juvia had a watery smile that for some reason made Gray have a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"You know Juvia...we can still go to Porlyusica's. I really want to check up on everything,even though everything seems like it's back to normal."

He looked away embarrassed,realizing what he just said. He made it sound like he wanted Juvia to come with him. I don't,he thought. I just feel bad she was helping me, and I will just leave like this. I just feel bad.

"If you don't want to come,that's fine with me."Gray scrambled to justify his words.
" I just feel bad you helped me and stuff..."Gray mumbled. Juvia's eyes lit up in excitement.
"Really!!?"Juvia asked almost squealing.
" Then Juvia will definitely come!! And she'll make breakfast before we leave!"She smiled brightly.

For a second Gray thought she kind of looked like an angel the way the light from the window was brightening her face. Then Juvia's smiling formed into one of confusion.

"But what will Gray~sama wear?!"She asked,cupping her cheeks in suprise.

Gray groaned. This was going to be a long day.

Note:Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you enjoyed, please stay tuned for my next chapter! Don't forget to leave comments if you want to leave constructive criticism. If you like the story so far,please vote if you have the time. Thank you!

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