What is this feeling?

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Note: Hi! Thank you for taking your time to read my  story^^. I know It's horrible but I'm trying my best,lol. Anyway if you have the time, please leave comments and tell me what you think about the story so far! Anyway enjoy!

Gray felt pathetic. Not only did he eat on the floor like some kind of...animal, but he couldn't even look at Juvia in the eyes.  To be honest the omelette she cooked has had to be the best food he ever tasted.  Especially since Gray rarely had home cooked meals.

Probably since he couldn't cook even if his life depended on it.But the famous Fairytail mage Gray freaking Fullbuster, not only turned into a cat but ate on the floor. And  Juvia had seen all of it.  If anyone had found out about this his reputation would be ruined big time. If he ever had one again that is.

 He felt like slamming his head into the wall. Juvia was currently sitting on the couch,watching Gray on the floor with a plate underneath him . She was nervously looking at him on the side of her eyes, but when their eyes met she would bite her  bottom lip and quickly look away. What the hell was she thinking? Her doing that every minute made it even more awkward, she knew that right?

Gray was already uncomfortable with the situation as it was. They had agreed to let Gray stay at her place for the night and in the morning go to Porlyusica's house to ask what the hell was going on with him. Honestly he wanted to go now,  but he knew it would be dangerous to take the trip this late at night. Or should he say morning. It was about One o'clock in the morning, and Juvia was waiting for him to be done. He finally finished eating and just stood there. He didn't know what to do. Until Juvia stood up with a start.
"Are you tired Gray~sama? Juvia thinks we should go to bed soon if we are getting up early to go to Polyusica's in the morning!" Juvia stated matter of factly.
Then it hit Gray. Where was he supposed to sleep?
"Umm....you can sleep in Juvia's bed...if you want." Juvia smiled sheepily with a blush dusting on her cheeks.

Gray's mouth fell  open. He was not expecting that. At all. Gray cleared his throat. Internally he was panicking,but he managed to make a calm statement. He was kind of glad there was fur covering him now.

"No. I'm fine. I can just sleep on the couch. I'm used to sleeping on harder stuff so...." He mumbled hoping she would drop the topic.

It felt awkward especially when he knew Juvia had strong feelings for him,and she knew he didn't feel the same way. He knew Juvia would do anything for him and he felt like he was taking advantage of her feelings for him. Juvia bit her bottom lip in contemplation.

"Alright then, Gray~sama."She then whispered to herself more than than Gray. Have a good rest Gray~sama ,Juvia will take you to Polyusica-san in the morning."She smiled walking  to a room to what Gray assumed was her bedroom. 

When she got to the open door she looked at him intensely with her crystal blue eyes that reminded him of the  deep ocean and slowly shut it. He carefully jumped on the couch(it was easy since he was a cat) and laid himself down and curled himself on the pillow.

He still felt guilty, but he never forced Juvia to help him. In fact she seemed excited to help him. Still he didn't know what he would do if she hadn't come. He owed her big time and he tried to groaned which came out as a weird meow/yawn mix.

He hated oweing people, especially when it was Juvia. She was crazy and would probably request something that was inappropriate or make him embarrass the living daylights out of himself. He honestly wished someone else had found him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

This has had to be the worst day of his life. What he couldn't understand was why she was treating him like he was normal. She still even kept the honorific -sama. It was strange and he didn't like it. Not one bit. Especially when he got a feeling at the bottom of his stomach that made him feel relief he was being treated the same. And this feeling was mixed with something else. What was it?

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