Chapter 2

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Let's see how long I can keep up this updating everyday thing lol.


"Anyone heard from Capsicle?" Tony asked in an uncaring nature, popping another grape in his mouth.

Clint shook his head, "He made his last check-in almost a week ago. Extraction is not for another two days."

"What's the point Of going undercover anyway? Why not just blast the base now and ask questions later." The billionaire shook his head.

Natasha rolled her eyes, "The only way to find the base is through joining. And Sygma experiments with chemical warfare. Blowing it up may not be the best option."

Tony shrugged, "Whatever makes the pirate happy."

"Sir, you have a call from Director Fury."

"Speak of the devil," Tony murmured, "put him through."

The one-eyed-man appeared on a screen. He didn't even wait for a hello. "We have a situation."

"And that would be...?" Tony motioned his hands in a circle.

"You should see this one for yourself. I'm sending over the video now. You'll know what to do." he said as he disappeared. 

Tony rolled his eyes, "Well that wasn't cryptic at all."

"Just play the video," Clint growled.

The Avengers gathered around the TV as Tony cast it from his phone.

A pale, balding man appeared in front of the camera. "Ah, hello. I am assuming this video will make it to the Avengers." The man's thick British accent sent a wave of unease through the billionaire, though he wasn't sure why. "I may be mistaken, but I believe you lost something!"

He sounded almost gleeful as he turned the camera to show a very unconscious Captain America.

There were whispered curses throughout the small group.

"You see, he seems to have accidentally wandered into my little base here. I really don't appreciate that." He frowned.

Steve looked bad. He was hanging by his wrists. His shirt had been removed, showing deep bruises.

"But what's the fun if he sleeps through everything?" The man on the screen chuckled.

He grabbed a large bucket of water and threw it on Cap's head. The Captain came sputtering awake, choking on the water. His eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment before gaining his composure.

"It's rude for you to sleep while we have an audience." Mr British said shaking his finger.

Steve's eyes wandered to the camera before they widened in understanding. The steely resolve in his face only hardened.

"There, now that we're all awake, " the man on the screen clasped his hands together. "We can begin the fun!"

He pointed to himself "I am the Examiner, high lord of Sygma and I have a very important message for you.

"As you can see, I have something I believe you may want back, though I suppose that is up for speculation." He said as he grabbed Cap's chin, turning his face from side to side. The Examiner gave a long thoughtful noise.

Steve jerked his face out of the man's grip. It wasn't until the man stepped away, that Tony could see that Steve was completely relying on his right leg. His left didn't seem to be bearing any weight at all.

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