bucky barnes x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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[ You were a laboratory experiment, nothing more then a dummy for Hydra. Well that wasn't until you met the winter soldier, who had already managed to escape from Hydra years ago. When he and the avengers rescue you, can you and Bucky help each other by recovering from the scars from both your pasts? And will you manage to stop yourself from falling for handsome Bucky Barnes? ]

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend prxmordial ily

You screamed as the sharp needle pierced your skin for the fifth time that day. Experiment after experiment you had endured for 12 long years ...

Hydra had stolen you away from your parents when you were only 8 years old, having broken into your peaceful home, and brutally murdered your parents right it front of your eyes. It still bought tears to your eyes, as the loud gunshot pierced through your ears, and you saw the lifeless bodies of your parents in front of you. " Mum, Dad, " you gasped out, tears running freely from your eyes. The Hydra agent who had been injecting you with a test shot of serum that was supposed to give you the powers of mindreading, sneered at you. " What's the matter? " he smiled evilly down at you, showing a pair of yellowed teeth. " Missing Mummy and Daddy again are we? " You breathed in a sharp breath. You would have wiped away your tears if it hadn't been for the metal cuffs that secured your hands to your sides. You refused to show your weak side to Hydra, they wouldn't get you again ...


About 50 miles away, Bucky Barnes was alerted by the voice of his best friend Steve Rogers, telling him that they had another mission. Tony, with the help of Nick Fury had just located another Hydra base. Bucky tensed up at the words " Hydra."   As he got suited up, and grabbed his favourite gun from the place that it rested, he thought to himself, " they won't get me again " ...


After the day was almost over, and you had been tested on five times that day, you were thrown into your manky cell. Dirt and mould covered the hard concrete floor. The only company that you had, were the occasional mice that came and visited you, scurrying around for the crumbs left behind from your hard stale bread, and out of date butter that was fed to you day and night. You sighed as you felt tears gather in the corners of your eyes. Images of your parents filled your vision, and before you knew it, heavy sobs erupted from your mouth. You didn't care if Hydra heard you, they knew what scars they had caused you.

However your heavy breathing and loud sobs were silenced by the sound of gunshots, and voices shouting. You covered your ears, drowning in memories of the past that had happened nearly 13 years ago, you started screaming, louder and louder, but you stopped once you felt a figure gazing down at you. Trembling with fear, you turned around, expecting to see a Hydra agent staring down at you, but you were surprised when your eyes met with the baby blue ones of no other than captain america. You backed away into the shadows of your cell. You knew that these " avengers " were Hydra's worst enemies. " Hey Buck, " the captain spoke into a walkie talkie. " It seems like Hydra's been keeping a prisoner. " His eyes softened, with a loud thud, Steve had smashed the lock of your cell, and was now standing in front of you. " Please don't be alarmed m'am, " he said gently, " the other avengers and I are here to help you. " He held out his hand for you to take. You shook your head, you had learned to not trust anyone since you had been taken in by Hydra. " Please m'am, " his eyes looked pleadingly at you. You shook your head again. The captain sighed. He picked up his walkie talkie again. " Buck, I think i'm going to need a bit of help here. "


The next solider that walked into your cell was surprisingly handsome. He had long dark hair that reached to just above his shoulders, and his deep blue eyes were gorgeous. He smiled at you, making his way slowly towards you. Something about him made you feel comforted, like you could trust him. He knelled down, so that he was level with you. His blue orbs showed a lot of sympathy. " Hey it's okay, " the man said, resting his hand on your knee, you flinched, but you let him keep his hand there. " Look, " he showed you his arm that you were surprised to see was metal, and had a bright red star at the top. You gasped. " Hydra experimented on me too, " he gave you a weak smile, " I was the winter soldier. " Your brain worked like a clockwork as you took in this information. You had heard Hydra converse about the winter soldier often while they experimented on you. " I know right now you feel very scared, and that you feel that you can trust no one, but I promise you, after time you will. " He smiled at Steve next to him. " Please? " He said, holding out his hand to you. You took it, his hand felt warm in your own. " He smiled at your hand intertwined with his. " The names Bucky, Bucky Barnes by the way. " Bucky looked at you, searching your eyes, so that you could at least give him a hint of what your name was. However, he was surprised when you answered him with a weak smile. " (Y/N) (L/N) "

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