meeting & dating tom holland would include ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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hola! this is a short oneshot/imagine whatever you wanna call it for my wifey adcrestyles because it's her birthday! I hope you have the most amazing birthday! I love you so, so, so much :') sorry this is kinda short, I've kinda been (surprisingly) busy lately, and endgame depression has hit me again, so I've not really been that motivated to write anything rip. but since you're so special to me I wanted to write you something, so here you are! I hope you enjoy! <3

- You and Tom meeting at London Comic Con, which you go to with your best friend.
- Him casually asking you if you want to get coffee with him sometime, after having your photo taken with him.
- You almost passing out, but happily accepting, and him quickly scribbling down his number on a piece of clean tissue before giving it to you.
- You messaging the number he gave you, telling him that it's you, and asking him if he's still up for coffee, to which he happily says he's still up for.
- You arranging to meet him in a small coffee shop in your town, since it's less likely that you both will get interrupted by fans and paparazzi, and so your date won't get ruined.
- You getting to the coffee shop, and he's already there, greeting you with a warm smile and a hug.
- You two sitting and talking for hours, both of your coffees left forgotten and cold.
- You ending up talking to each other everyday either on facetime or via messages.
- You going on two more dates, until Tom finally asks you to be his girlfriend.
- You being introduced to his family shortly after getting together.
- Tom's parents treating you like a daughter, and Tom's siblings treating you like a sister.
- Tessa taking an instant liking to you, and not leaving your side when you come over to see Tom.
- You becoming friends with Tom's friends and hanging out with them.
- You helping Tom film some of his crazy Instagram videos, and helping him to use Instagram properly.
- Watching movies or tv together, and Tom putting his head in your lap, while you play with his hair.
- Tom picking you up bridal style when you fall asleep on the sofa, and tucking you into bed.
- Tom always holding your hand when you go out together, him liking the feel of your hand in his.
- Tom giving you kisses on your forehead when he thinks you're being cute, which is basically all the time.
- You giving Tom quick pecks on the lips.
- Sharing passionate kisses with each other.
- Tom calling you " darling " or " baby. " But mostly " darling. "
- Tom whining at you when he wants some attention from you.
- Tom announcing your relationship to the public after a month of being together, by posting a selfie of you two together, you kissing his cheek in the photo.
- You having to help him though, because he somehow managed to post the picture 3 times.
- Basically all of his fans loving you.
- Tom being very loving and affectionate in your relationship, always showering you with hugs and kisses.
- Tom being extra cuddly and always trying to kiss you when's he drunk.
- Tom knowing when you're stressed, and hugging you from behind and kissing your neck which instantly relaxes you.
- Tom teaching you to dance.
- Tom doing his Peter Parker voice for you cause he knows you like it.
- Tom sometimes surprising you randomly with gifts to show you how much he appreciates you.
- Tom bringing you to set.
- You meeting the Avengers cast when he brings you to set, and instantly bonding with everyone.
- Kissing Tom in his Spiderman suit.
- Tom giving you very thoughtful presents for your birthday and christmas.
- Tom being dorky like 24/7
- You stealing his hoodies.
- Him getting mad when you steal his hoodies, but when he see's how cute you look in them he just smiles and kisses your cheek, telling you, " You look cute baby, keep it as long as you want. "
- Having breakfast together sometimes, which Tom sometimes tries to make, but fails most of time, so you have to help him.
- You helping him with his lines.
- Occasionally flying out with him when he's filming a new movie.
- Sending " I miss you " messages to each other when Tom is away filming and you couldn't join him.
- Sending memes to each other.
- Tom sending selfies of him and Tessa to you with the caption " Tessa and I miss you :( <3 "
- Asking each other to come to the other person's house.
- You eventually moving in together.

{ Word count : 772 }

I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! It's my first time writing one of these so I hope it's okay! Any feedback is appreciated <3 Lemme know if you want me to write anymore of these! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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