tony stark x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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[ You are Tony Stark's executive assistant, living at Stark tower. You and Tony flirt with each other day in and day out, but just teasingly, as friends. However as the flirting continues, not helping the way you and Stark are starting to feel towards each other, can you both stop yourselves before you fall head over heels in love? ]

" Miss (Y/L/N) Mr Stark requires your presence downstairs, " the sound of Jarvis's voice vibrated throughout your room. You groaned, covering your ears with your soft pillow, feeling as if your comfortable mattress swallowed you in even more. " 5 more minutes? " You asked the AI . " I'm afraid not Miss (Y/L/N) " Jarvis said, you could nearly hear the empathy in his voice, even though he was an AI. " Alright, " you said, picking yourself off of the bed, and glancing at the clock on your bedside table. It was 6:17am.

You slowly made your way to Tony's lab which is where you knew he would be. You wrapped your ( favourite colour ) silk kimono dressing gown around yourself, and knocked on the door to Toy's lab. You saw him roll his eyes from where he stood, working on one of his suits, however when his gaze fell against your figure, butterflies erupted in your stomach. You had been Tony's executive assistant for a good year and a half now, and over that period of time Tony and you had continually flirted with each other. At first it was just a fun playful thing, but it had lead you to falling for him, well maybe even falling in l o v e with him. You quickly dismissed the thought as Tony opened the door to a blushing you. He smirked down at you wearing your captain america pjs, staring at you, especially your lips for a bit too long. He brushed his hand against your arm, making you turn an even darker shade of red. " How you doing today sweetheart? " Tony grinned at you, motioning you to follow him towards where he was working on one of his suits. " I-I'm doing good, " you managed to stutter out, completely entranced by Tony. Luckily he didn't seem to notice your flustered state, however your luck didn't last long. " Miss (Y/L/N) " Jarvis exclaimed, " it appears that your heart rate is slightly faster than normal. " You dropped the screwdriver that you were holding, stealing a glance at Tony who was once again smirking at you. " Crap! " You cursed underneath your breath. Tony walked towards you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. " What's got you all anxious babe? " Tony asked you, concern actually showing on his face. The look was enough to send your stomach haywire. " U-u-ummm, I need to go, " you said, your voice quivering, motioning towards the glass door which you had only walked in through seconds ago. But before Tony could reply, you had already bolted through the door, leaving Tony standing there, feeling slightly sad now that you had gone.


" Ugh why am I like this Nat! " You complained to you your best friend Natasha Romanoff over the phone. She laughed. " You're the one that likes him (Y/N) " she said, " I would take my advice, and ask him out. " You sighed loudly, a million thoughts racing through your head. " I can't Nat, he's a playboy, he's only flirting with me for fun! " You heard your best friend laugh again over the phone. " Isn't this how it all started? You and Tony flirting with each other until you accidently fell head over heels in love with each other? "
" You mean I did! " You said, putting heavy emphasises on the word " I. "
" Oh pleaseee, " Nat replied, " I see the way he looks, talks, and flirts with you, he likes you (Y/N) maybe even loves you. " Just then you heard a crash from downstairs, indicating that your time up with Nat had to come to an end. " I gotta go Nat, it seems as if Tony's got himself in trouble, again, " you said.
" Alright, " you could hear the smirk in her voice. " Good luck! "
" Love you, "
" Love you too. "


You took the stairs two at a time, while you had been talking to Nat you had managed to get dressed, so you were now wearing a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans, and a grey oversized crop top, with your (H/L), (H/C) done up in a tight, high ponytail. You knocked on the door to Tony's lap for the second time that day, inhaling a deep breath of air, Nat's words swarming around in your head. " Maybe even loves you. " The door creaked open to reveal a sweaty Tony, a small smile etched onto his features, your stomach erupted with butterflies. " What was with the sudden need to rush out of the lab earlier? " Tony asked you, leading you into the lap, you following behind like a puppy. " Ummmm girl problems. " You said, trying to keep your voice steady so that you would sound believable. " Oh, righttt. " Tony said, dragging out the ' t's ', he sounded somewhat awkward. You and Tony worked in the lab until about 2pm, lunch completely forgotten, as both of you were so engrossed in your work. Although there was a peaceful silence that settled between the two of you, glances at each other didn't go unnoticed by either of you. It was around 2:30pm when Tony put down his tools, and his gaze locked onto your eyes. " (Y/N), I need to ask you something. " You hastily put down the notebook that you were scribbling in, and looked into Tony's brown orbs. Your breath hitched in your throat, as he prepared to ask you t h a t question. He took a deep breath, " how would you like to join a famous party hosted by the one and only me, tonight? " You looked down, trying to hide the disappointment dwelling in your eyes. " Er yeah sure, I'll see you tonight, what time? " You asked, already making your way to the door. " 7:30! " Tony called after you.

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