steve rogers x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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[ You are an avenger living at the avengers tower with Tony, Steve, Nat, Wanda, Pietro  ( yes he's still  gonna be alive in this fanfic, ) Bucky, Sam, Vision, Bruce,  Pepper, and occasionally Peter, Thor, and Loki who tend to visit. You are known as one of the prettiest avengers, and most certainly one of the prettiest women in your area, and many men make this known. Steve has had a major crush on you since you first moved into the tower, but being the shy person he is, he doesn't say anything. But will he continue to keep his mouth shut as men flirt with you in and outside of the tower? ]

You had been living at 890 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York, The avengers tower, for a little over three years, and those three years had been the best three years of your life. You had been taken in by Nick Fury at the age of 18, under the clutches of hydra. Hydra had harshly murdered your parents after finding out that you possessed powers of super strength, flight, and that you could manipulate chaos magic. They wanted you to become the next super solider, and tested on you for 10 agonising long years, before being rescued by the avengers. The avengers had taken you in like family, and you had become inseparable. You were extremely close with everyone, especially Wanda and Nat, as they were your girl besties!

A tap on your shoulder stirred you from your thoughts, as you turned around to meet a pair of dark hazel eyes, belonging to a man with brown hair and dark features. He gestured to the chair next to you, " do you mind if I sit here? " You smiled at him, " No, go ahead. " Some people might find this gesture a bit strange, as the whole of Starbucks wasn't very full at 6:00am on a Friday morning, and there were plenty of seats, but for you it had become a sort of routine. You sipped at your ( favourite hot drink ) waiting for the handsome man to start talking. " I'm sorry " he said, " but I couldn't not miss the chance to talk to such a pretty girl like you. " He grinned confidently, showing off a few dimples. You laughed, a slight rosy blush growing on your features. " Thank you. " You thanked him politely. The man, who you later found out was called Louis, indulged into conversation straight away, asking questions about yourself, and asking if you would like to go to a few parties with him in the future. However, you weren't really paying attention to anything that Louis was saying, as your eyes wandered to another man, a man with perfect baby blue eyes, that when you looked into them, it felt like they held an ocean, and soft, brown, blonde hair that you would love to run your hands through, as he kissed you softly ... " So, can I get your number? " Louis asked you, pulling out his phone that you noticed had a captain america phone case on it. " Oh yeah sure, " you said, reciting the numbers to him as he put your name in his phone as (Y/N) ;) " Thanks, " he said, getting up and giving you a kiss on the cheek, making you blush. " See you around beautiful, " he added, winking and walking out of Starbucks. You sighed, also getting ready to leave. It truly sucked. You could have any guy in the whole world that you wanted, but you were scared to approach the one that you liked, scared that you would ruin an unbreakable friendship, and scared that he may not like you back ...

You arrived back at the tower, placing your bag on the counter, and found Bucky munching on a plum. " Hey sexy, what's up? " he smirked, putting down his plum, and coming over to place his hands on your waist jokingly. Tony walked into the kitchen at that exact moment, his eyes landing on both you and Bucky. Being the kid he was, he covered his eyes. " Stop, no, no, I don't want to see anything! " Bucky smirked at this, leaning in, pretending to give you a kiss. Steve also then walked in, annoyed by Tony's childish screams, who had disrupted his precious reading time. " Tony! Would you!- " He stopped mid sentence as his eyes landed on you and Bucky, jealously arose in his throat, and it took him everything not to shout at Bucky, even though he had no right to, you were not his girl. He sent Bucky a warning glare, making Bucky's arms drop from your waist, and fall to his sides. However you didn't notice, as you had been laughing at Tony. You shot Bucky a quick glance, confused about his sudden change in demeanour. Your eyes met those beautiful baby blue eyes of Steve's, and his gaze softened. " Oh my gosh, " you thought to yourself. " I could melt in those eyes. "

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