Chapter 1: New Life

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Sasha's POV
It's been 2 years and my new name was now Alex, everything changed that past few years.. They taught me how to use guns and fight better...

"Alex, concentrate" Dave said as he glared at me..

"I thought you'd tell me all about my father if I come with you but all you've been telling me are bits about my mother!" I said as I threw a punch at the bag

"Patience" He answered

I punched the bag harder and it hit him because he was holding the punching bag

"I know you did that on purpose.." He said giving me a death glare

"Maybe I did or maybe I didn't" I said as I grabbed my tumbler and drank..

Someone barged in the door and I flinched, Dave laughed at me..

"Zip it!" I told Dave "What is it?" I asked Jake (The one that barged in)

"There's an attack at our warehouse.." He said

I grabbed my gun and followed Jake to the warehouse..

We heard a lot of gunshots


Carmina's POV
It's been 2 years since Sasha left and Mark was missing... Everyone had forgotten about Sasha but we kept searching for her..

"Guys, look!" Jenny said bringing us to the living room

"The Free Souls had fought against The August Gang and 10 was found dead and the police said that they were 8 August gang members and 2 Free Souls members dead..." The reporter said

We found clues about Mark and we theorized about him being in the August gang but we searched in Sasha's house and there were no clues that she was kidnapped or that she was still alive...

Jenny's friends believed that she was dead but we haven't lost hope... Not yet, at least..

Sasha's POV
After that war, we went back home.. I looked for Henry and Andrew but I couldn't find them... I looked over the warehouse and saw bother of them laying on the floor as blood dripped out their wounds that was caused by bullets

"Henry! Andrew!" I called and ran to them..

Sirens of police cars was heard outside the entrance of the warehouse..

"Alex... You need to go.." Henry said.

Someone held my shoulders and I turned around to see Dave..

"I will... Thanks for helping me out.. You both can rest now.." I said as they both closed their eyes...

A tear fell from my eye as I went with Dave to escape the warehouse, policemen came running in and we successfully escaped..

"That was a close one.." Dave said as he panted in our hiding place...

"That was a heartbreaking scene.." I said

"Yup... But there's nothing you could do... It's either they die or you get caught and they might have a chance to live if you stayed there longer and gave them first aid.." Dave said

"I should've just let the policemen take me.." I joked

His eyes widened "I-- We can't let you do that! We swore to your father that we'll never let you be taken by those corrupt men!" He yelled

"Chill.. I was just joking.." I said with confusion

Why is he acting like that?

"That wasn't a good joke!" He left slamming the door..

Jake came with confusion written on his eyes..

"What's up with him?" He asked

Jake is a Blondie with green eyes, we're the same age.. 24..

"I just joked about something and he freaked out.. Wait... Aren't you suppose to guard the entrance?" I asked

"Yeah... But Joe said I could take a break... Mind having lunch with me?" He asked

"Sure, where?" I asked

~~*Time Skip*~~

It's been forever since I left the camp...

"Ta da!! We're at Granny's Diner! This was my favorite restaurant when I was a kid but when my parents died, I couldn't go here.." He explained

"Come on, Let's eat" I said with a big smile placed on my face..

"But.. Wouldn't people recognize me?" I asked before stepping in...

"Nah... I'm sure they'd forgotten about you" Jake said as he stepped in

"Ouch.." I said placing my hand to my chest as I pretended to be hurt

He chuckled "Come on! Let's eat!" He said as he dragged me in..

He placed me on a seat and said "I'm gonna order our food.."

I nodded at him and he went to the counter..

I pulled my hood on as I felt like someone would notice me....

After that news report 2 years ago, everybody knows who I really am..

Jake came back with our food and as we were about to dig in, I saw someone that I haven't seen for years..

The twins..

"Eat up, Alex.." He said looking at me..

"Can we take this food to our camp?" I asked Jake

"What? why?" He asked as he took a big bite on his burger

"My old friends are here.." I said

"I'm sure they won't recognize you.." He said..

"Yeah.. I think you're right..." I said as I took a bite on my burger..

I looked at them..

They changed.. They had eye bugs and there's a bit of a beard placed on their faces..

David looked around and his eyes widened as he looked at me..

They never forgotten about me..

"Jake, they saw me.." I said

Jake's eyes widened and he grabbed his burger and mine and he quickly wrapped it..

"Let's go.." I said as I speed walked away from the restaurant and to my motorcycle..

I revived the engine and took off my hood and Jake took over my place as the driver and drove away from the place..

That was close..

David's POV
We came to a stop at granny's diner and came to eat, I remembered that me and Sasha first met here so hope struck me and I looked around eager to see Sasha, my eyes landed on a hooded figure with brown curly hair and her skin similar to Sasha's.. My eyes widened and I was going to tell James but saw her talk to the guy in front of her and the guy started packing and 'Sasha' left with the blonde behind her....

"James" I called as I pointed to the girl that mount a motorcycle similar to Sasha's..

"What--" Our eyes widened as we saw the girl took off her hood and saw Sasha..

We tried catching up to her but they left before we could follow them..

She is alive..

End of Chapter 1: New Life

It's out bros!! Our Broken World is out!!


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