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Don't trust Freya

Derek slowly pulled himself into the Window of Freyas room

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Derek slowly pulled himself into the Window of Freyas room. When he turned around after closing the Window he seen her asleep with the blanket wrapped around only part of her body. He looked to her face to see how peaceful she looked the normal sour face no longer there. Her mouth was parted slightly one arm above her head as she lay on her back.

"Frey wake up" he shook her shoulder. She opened her eyes blinking away sleep sitting up.

"Derek what's going on" she yawned and stretched still very tired.

"I think the alpha attacked someone at the video store Scott's meeting us there" she was suddenly very awake throwing the blanket off of her.

Derek watched amused as she grabbed a pair of jeans. He then realized she was only wearing a loose t shirt and underwear. His eyes traveled up and down her legs as she started shimmying into the tight jeans. He suddenly felt aroused as he watched her ass jiggle.

Freya smirked purposely teasing Derek. It may not have been the right time for anyone else but she didn't care in her eyes it's always a right time to tease. She felt the arousal rolling off of him.

"Careful Derek i can sense peoples emotions" she turned to see Derek lift his eyes from her ass to her face. He just kept a straight face.
She walked over to him placing a hand on his chest leaning her lips to his ear.

"Play your cards right and you might get to watch me take my clothes off instead" she whispered before jumping out her window landing on her feet walking to his Car. Derek stood or a minute smirking before joining her.


Once at the video store Derek pointed up the ladder signalling her to go up first, Freya smirked. Before climbing up she turned to Derek

"Didn't get enough of my ass at my house." Derek rolled his eyes.

"I swear you'll be the death of me" he chuckled under his breath. Freya Just laughed climbing to the roof. Where Scott was.

Scott pinched his eyebrows hearing the conversation. He realized he Trusted Freya about as much as he Trusted Derek which wasn't much.

Derek Walked to the edge of the building he place one foot on the edge and his hand on his knee. Scott was to his left crouched down on the very edge, the side of his body facing the crowd down below. Freya stood to Derek's left arms crossed. All three watched the body being lifted into the ambulance.

"Starting to get it" Derek looked at Scott.

"I get that he's killing people but I don't get why" he shook his head and looked between Derek and Freya

" I mean at this isn't standard practice right we don't go out in the middle of the night murder and everybody Do we?" Freya let the wolfs talk while she tried to sense the emotion of the alpha.

"No we're Predators we don't have to be killers" Derek's voice was low.

" then why is he a killer" Scott looked at Derek.

"That's what were going to find out", Derek Turned to Freya, "can you pick up on his emotion?" She sighed and shook her head.

"There's to many different emotions here to tell which is his" Derek sighed.

Freya and Derek started to walk away, Scott took one last look before following the two older people.


"You know I have a life" Scott groaned following Freya and Derek into the Hale house.

Derek walked up about three steps going up stares.

"No you don't" Freya chuckled at Derek's reply.

" yes I do I don't care what you say about him making me his pet or"

"Part of his pack" Derek cut Scott off turning to look at him. Freya leaned against the railing watching the two eyebrows raised in amusement.

"Whatever I have homework to do I have to go to a parent-teacher conference tomorrow because I'm failing chemistry" Scott threw his hands behind him.

"I'm failing almost everything but I'm not going" she laughed. Both boys ignored her.

"You wanna do homework or do you wanna... not die " Freya  watched as Scott rolled his head in aggravation.

She decided to ignore the two boys and looked at her phone and leaned against a wall. She decided to be nice and texted Lydia asking if she was okay.

Scott groaned as Derek broke his hand. Freya looked at the two.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"It'll heal." Freya sighed looking between the two.

"That has been fun but I'm going home now" she nodded her head at Derek.

Derek nodded his head at the girl.
Scott looks at her still in pain. As he watched the girl leave. Wondering how she can be so calm about this all.


"So Derek broke your hand!" Stiles yelled over the phone at Scott while getting ready for school

"Yeah he said pain keeps you human" Scott rolled his eyes

"And Freya Just walked out while you were in pain because Derek broke your hand" Stiles felt aggravation towards his cousin. How could she just let Derek do that to his best friend and then walk out, Plus whatever else she's keeping from them.

"Look Stiles I know she's your cousin but after hearing that and the fact that she's kind of as secretive as Derek I don't think we should trust her." Scott sighs knowing that Stiles is all about his  family and friends.

"I know", Stiles groans, "I agree we shouldn't trust her but look i got to go see you at school"

"Yeah see you". Both boys hung up

Stiles wanted to trust his cousin but after the past month he just couldn't. She was almost a complete female version of Derek and Stiles hated that.

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