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Peter keeps his promise

To say things for everyone out side of the torture room was difficult was an understatement

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To say things for everyone out side of the torture room was difficult was an understatement. Noah Stilinski was going out of his mind trying to find not only his Niece, who he promised his brother he would always protect if anything happened to him, but the alleged killer Derek Hale. He new Freya and Derek were some what friends he hoped it was enough to keep him from killing her.

Stiles was also stressing about his cousin. He was going out of his mind with guilt about the last thing he said to her. As the days went on he was losing hope of finding Freya. His only hope was that Derek was keeping her safe. He didn't care what The two said he knew they had feelings for each other. The bright side of the whole thing was that he was currently at winter formal with Lydia Martin the girl he's been in love with since 3rd grade.

Scott had been trying to find Derek and Freya as well as keep everyone he loved safe especially Allison. He was told he wasn't aloud to go to the dance so he forces Jackson to take Allison while he snuck in.

Lydia Martin was dumped by the Co-Caption of the lacrosse team, who no matter what she said she loves him for some unknown reason. She was forced to take Stiles the spaz to the dance at Allison request.

Allison was trying to act like a normal girl as well as hold the secret of knowing where Freya was. The guilt was eating her alive every time she walked by the missing poster. Part of her has forgiven Scott and was hoping he would come to the dance and sweep her off her feet.

Jackson was scared shitless after the incident with Derek not that he would tell anyone. Scott had forced him into taking Allison to the dance. He decided to dink the night away so he didn't remember the night.

Boyd was missing his only friend. No matter how tough he looked he had a soft spot for the girl who's bite was ten times worse than her bark; Her bark still scared the shit out of every one else. He couldn't lie he had a bit of a crush on her. With nothing he could do about the situation he just continued to work and go to school like he wasn't hurting inside.

needless to say everyone was having a hard time. All of the teenagers were currently at the dance. Stiles was shitting himself as he slow danced with Lydia until she went off to find jackson.

Jackson stumbled back inside the dance after his talk with the Argents, only to run into stiles.

"Where the hell have you been? Did Lydia find you?" Stiles questioned jackson. Jackson just got this far away look in his eye.

"What what's wrong?"

" I-I was out behind the uh school and I was out" he stumbled with his words

"What what happened" Stiles asked. "Jackson what did you do?"


Lydia walked to the lacrosse field calling for Jackson when all of the lights turned on.

"LYDIA RUN!" Stiles shouted running on to the field but it was to late Peter had bit into her side letting her fall to the gound. He crouched over top her while Stiles crouched in front of her.

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