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The Aftermath

Freya sat on the back of the ambulance with a blanket over her shoulder

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Freya sat on the back of the ambulance with a blanket over her shoulder. A handcuffed Derek sat next to her. Stiles stood off to the side watching as Freya layed her head on Derek's shoulder. When sheriff Stilinski got to the scene he ran to his Niece pulling her in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay Frey" he said as he pulled away he placed both hands on her shoulders. "What happened" he glanced back at Derek. Freya sighed.

"Kate was my crazy ex an-"

"Hold on Kate is your ex? Isn't she a bit to old for a 17 year old?" Noah interrupt.

"Yes but people my age suck I've always been into older people" she rolled her eyes.

"Anyway she kidnapped me while I was at the gas station on the phone with Derek and yes I knew he was wanted but he's innocent" she sighed looking back to Derek who was still handcuffed. Noah glanced back at him as well.

"Anyway Kate took me somewhere in the reserve. She admitted to everything uncle Noah. The hale house fire, setting my house on fire, the murders she was trying to cover up her trail get rid of the people who knew. Derek found me while Kate was gone but she had a guy there to turtore me. Derek knocked him out and brought me here. He saved me" Noah looked at Derek who nodded his head. Noah sighed and turned to a deputy telling him to let Derek go. He then turned to Freya.

"Alright well do you want me to give me a ride home frey?" Noah asked. Derek stepped up and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Actually I can take her home Sheriff I know you got a lot of work here to do." Sheriff looked Derek up and down before pulling him in a hug. Derek tensed and pinched his eyebrows before awkwardly hugging him back. Freya held back her laugh looking at the two with a raised eyebrow.

"Thank you Derek for saving her I really appreciate it" he said pulling away both men nodded at each other. Derek placed his hand to the small of her back before the two walked away only to be stopped by stiles. He pulled her in a hug and apologized for what he said. She just shrugged him off apologizing as well.


Freya and Derek both sat on her bed in silence. Neither knew how to start the conversation. The two had the same thought as they tries talking at once.

"So what Kate-"

"You're not-"

They stared at each other before laughing. Derek nodded for her to go.

"Okay well what Kate said it um it's true I did kill my litter brother and you deserve to know how" she took a deep breath.

"Freya you don't have to" Derek sighs looking at her. She looks at him.

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