did you think about that

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I was currently sat in a chair the room was dead quiet probably because everyone was waiting to hear what I had to say. I steady my breathe and begin.

"So let me get this straight, my dad got into 'deep trouble' with a gang and if i don't comply, my ass dead?"All I got was a nod from this so-called lawyer.

"Just peachy"I turn facing my back to them and whisper.I brush away my flyaway hair and sigh,"okay."They all gave me a shocked look, gasping like damn fishes.

"Close your mouths, I said fine what's his name?"

Mystery boy chimed in," I'm right here, you can-"

"Umm was I talking to you?" I asked a little bored.

Mystery boy turned my whole ass chair around and pulled my face close, his hand resting on my chin. With the most domineering, deep voice I've ever heard, he spoke "Are you challenging me bunny?"

"And what if I am?" I'm not backing down.

my mother spoke up," His name is mister green."

"NO!" I cut her off.

"What's wrong now?" she asked.

"Emerald Green?" I laughed amused at the way the name sounded.

"Don't I deserve to know my future husband's first name?" I ask addressing him now.

"Its James,James Green," with that smirk that could kill.


"Alright Emerald, let's talk about your life school wise," the lawyer broke the silence.

"Okay," I yawned, missing the bed I had earlier today.

"As you know, you're going into your sophomore year but you will be a little behind in some subjects," He's still talking carefully, as if he almost let something slip,"And James here, is in the middle of his junior year,"

He went on to say that this isn't any regular boarding school. He said that i will be bunking with three other people and that one out of the three will be the gentleman sitting beside me.

Today has been crazy enough, I kinda went numb to what he was saying and wasn't really paying attention in the first place.

"Okay, okay are we done here?" I asked half asleep as the monotone man continued to blabber on about something I didn't care much for.

"I have an idea right, since i basically have no say in this," I continued, hearing the salt from my own voice ," How about me and mr.Green over here, take a little walk around the place?"

"But-" my mom tried to reason.

"That's a lovely idea, let's go Bunny," James spoke simply grabbing my fore arm, and leading me out of that small, stuffy office.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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