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The Company was led through the woods to the Woodland Realm. Zarina's eyes widened as a large palace like gates came into view. It wasn't nearly as magnificent as Rivendell, but still, it held a certain majesty that could not be found in normal buildings. However, it was the inside that left her speechless. Everything was carved out of wood; the floors, the walls, the bridges. It seemed as if the elves lived in a giant tree. Zarina lost count over each time this quest had left her in awe and wonder. But, to her disappointment, they were led down into the dungeons and were harshly pushed into cells. Zarina groaned when the elf at her back pushed her too hard, causing her to fall into her cell.

"Bastard!" she insulted the elf, who paid her no attention.

She slid down the wall of her cell and listened to the protests of the other dwarves.

"This is not the end of it! You hear me?" Dwalin.

"Let us out of here!" Gloin.

"Get off me!" Dori.

The only dwarf who has not been seen yet was Thorin. Zarina saw how the auburn-haired elf, who she learned was Tauriel, pushed Kili into a cell, locking the door after he stumbled in.

"Aren't you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers." Kili asked, making Zarina frown and wonder what he was up to.

"Or nothing." Tauriel replied with attitude before walking away.

Kili stared after her as he leaned his head against the cell door, his eyes filled with longing. Zarina smiled when realizing what was going on. Kili had a crush.

Legolas stopped Tauriel on her way out, "I Nogoth amman e tîr gin? Tauriel? (Why does the Dwarf stare at you, Tauriel?)"

Zarina saw Tauriel shrug, "Ú-dangada? (Who can say?)" She looked away from Legolas as she spoke, smiling a little and looking dreamy, "E orchal be Nogoth. (He's quite tall for a Dwarf.)" She then realized what she said and quickly looked at Legolas, wanting to see if he noticed, "Pedithig? (Do you not think?)" She turned away and quickly walked off, trying to avoid any awkwardness.

"Orchal eb vui, mal uvanui en. (Taller than some, but no less ugly.)" Legolas called after her and sent a glare towards Kili, who noticed and glared right back at him. Legolas rolled his eyes dramatically and stomped off.

"Zarina?" Kili called to her, for her cell was near his, "What did they say?"

She smiled at his curiosity, "She called you tall and he called you ugly. Do with that information as you please."

Kili's mouth corners turned upwards into a smile, causing Zarina to snort a laugh. Meanwhile other members of the Company started kicking and yanking at the cell doors, trying to break them open. She knew that it would not help if she tried breaking the cell's door. It was crafted by elves and stronger than the normal prison cells. Instead she reached into her shirt and pulled out a thin rolled up piece of paper. While they were getting ready to leave Beorn's house, a thought came to her, that if something was to happen to them, she'll at least have something of importance with her. Of all the pages in her mother's journal, she chose to tear out the page with the Khuzdul alphabet and hid it in her shirt. Zarina unrolled the paper and stared fondly at the strange letters. The words Thorin whispered to her the previous night was still fresh in her thoughts, giving her something to translate first. She became entirely distracted by learning the dwarvish alphabet and translating, that she jumped in shock when the door of her cell opened and Thorin was pushed in.

"Thorin, where were you?" she asked in concern, stuffing the paper back into her shirt to hide it.

"Speaking to a fairy with self-esteem issues." He grumbled.

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