How Could Things Get Worse?

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Steve's POV

I groaned as I woke up in my room at Buck's. It was the day after Pony's graduation and I smiled softly. Pony had really grown up into a fine young man. Damn...everything was changing. Ponyboy was going to be a father here soon. My thoughts slightly shifted to my current situation and I frowned. Tyler and I were broken up and it was my fault...

"Ty..." I muttered, "Maybe Dallas was right...I shouldn't have came back from the war." As soon as I said those words I mentally slapped myself. I was needed kids needed me..fuck even Tyler needed me.

"What did you say Steve?" a voice startled me. Whipping my head to my right my eyes widened seeing Evie in the bed next to me. My heart started racing as last night came back to me.

I had gone with the guys with Pony to celebrate. I had been working on my fifth beer and the room was starting to spin when someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Soda looking at me with concern.

"I think you had enough buddy." he muttered giving me a small smile. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Nobody was going to tell me what to do.

"Don't tell me what to do Soda." I snapped taking another swig of my beer, "Always sticking your nose into other people's business." Soda frowned at me then sighed smacking me upside my head. I yelped at the sudden impact. I didn't expect him to actually hit me. I growled lowly in my throat.

"What the hell was that for?" I hissed glaring at him. The others were now looking over at us with confused glances.

"That's for being an idiot Steve." Soda sighed, "What would Tyler think if she saw you like this?" My eyes blazed and I quickly stood up from my chair.

"Don't you say her name in front of me!" I growled. I hadn't noticed but I saw Dallas had stood up also. I scoffed...if he wanted to fight...bring it on, "I have nothing to say her and honestly I don't give a damn what she thinks about me!"

"I would sit down if I were you Randle." Dally said darkly, "We are supposed to be celebrating for Pony."

I rolled my eyes sitting down and chugging down the rest of my beer. What did I care about this party anyways?  The kid graduated so what? We all did at one point or another, or did. My mind was fuzzy and lost as I downed a sixth beer. 

"Don't worry Ponyboy don't let Stevie sir drinks a lot ruin your fun tonight." I heard Two bit's voice in the background. A nervous chuckle followed then the loud laughter of my friends course through the night. I had remembered telling Soda I would be back as I had to find the restroom.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." a girl's voice said. I looked down to see a girl with long black hair. I knew that hair.

"E-Evie? Oh, it's uh, okay." I stuttered feeling nervous around her. She gently placed her hand on my arm.

"Steve are you okay? You look fucking hammered." she stated bluntly making me laugh a bit.

"Me? Nah I'm tough and um,..good." I muttered the last bit of my words. Evie sighed before taking my arm. She quickly glanced around the bar then led me up the stairs.

"W-Wait where are we going?" I stuttered out unable to pull away from her grasp.

"To get you some water. So you know,.. you'll feel better." she grinned at me before taking me to the far end of the room. After taking some aspirin and some water, my memory went fuzzy and black.

I was breathing hard as my thoughts came back the present time. Evie had sat up and scooted closer to me. She took a hold of my hands and that is when I noticed they were shaking.

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