Eleanor Rigby

329 30 35

Joe's P.O.V

Today was the day of the grand prix.

It was going to be on tv at around 3 PM so it'd be around 9 PM when it's actually happening in France.

Allen invited all of us over to watch it at Gwil's apartment so it could be like we were there cheering him on.

This was a really big milestone in his skating career, like not a lot of people make it to the grand prix.

I was also really excited because Ben told me that he'd try to come home as soon as he could after the competition so I was hoping he'd be home soon after this.


I started walking over to Gwil's place because I always liked to be early.

For a day in May it was oddly cold, it was only 50° but I kinda liked weather like this because it gave the atmosphere a happy aura.

I kept walking with my hands buried in my pockets and my head down slightly.

Once I reached Gwil's apartment I knocked on the door 3 times and stood back a little bit while I waited for an answer.

Allen answered the door and hurried me inside.

I hung my coat up and sat down in one of the arm chairs that were adjacent to the couch.

Gwilym came stumbling out of his bedroom while trying to straighten his bowtie.

He was wearing a whole 3 piece suit, just to watch a skating competition.

I shook my head and laughed to myself.

Gwil sat down on the couch and kicked his feet up onto the coffee table to tie up his wingtips.

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair a little bit.

Clearly Allen seemed to feel a little underdressed so he disappeared into the bedroom and came back out wearing a blazer.

He sat down next to Gwil and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

Now, all we needed was for Lucy and Rami to show up.

Well, speak of the devil.

The couple came bursting in through the door and they looked like they were dressed for the Oscars.

Rami was wearing a 3 piece purple suit but his had a proper tie that was covered with a bunch of little prints of skates and he had purple heart shaped sunglasses.

And Lucy was wearing a purple dress that matched with Rami's suit.

They went and sat down on the couch with Allen and Gwil.

"Rami, take those damn glasses off" I reached over and tried pulling the glasses of his face but he slapped my hand away.

"He hasn't been sleeping very well lately and he says it's 'aging him'. He hasn't taken those glasses off since he woke up this morning" Lucy explained.

"#dadlife" Rami piped up.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.

I started thinking about my outfit since everyone else was wearing a suit of some sort.

I didn't feel severely underdressed since I was wearing the button down shirt that Ben told me was his favourite and some black slacks.

I wasn't very into dressing up.

Rami grabbed the remote off the table and flipped on the channel that the competition was going to be aired on.

I moved my chair slightly so I could see the tv better.

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