Took You Long Enough

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Joe's P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since Ben's competition in Paris and I haven't heard much from him.

He's called me a few times and whenever he'd text me it'd just be something along the lines of 'I love you' or 'I miss you' and don't get me wrong, I appreciate that he's still thinking about me but I missed having actual conversations.

If you total up how long he's been gone it's actually been almost a month and everyday that went by I missed him more and more.

I actually haven't done much since he's left, everyday has been work, going home and watching tv for countless hours, maybe babysitting then going to sleep then the cycle would repeat itself.

Speaking of which, I had the day off work so I might actually do something today, depends on how I'm feeling later.

I got out of bed and slid on some sweatpants then I went out to the kitchen to make some tea.


I hopped up onto the counter while I waited for the water to boil.

I rested my head on my hand and looked out the window at the busy streets below me.

I sighed and flicked the kettle off then poured the water into my cup.

I stirred in my sugar and got off the counter.

I walked over to the window and admired my little collection of plants.

I quickly got bored of staring aimlessly at a bunch of leaves so I sat down on the couch for a bit.

I was wracking my brain trying to think of something to do today but nothing seemed very interesting.

Doing things alone was just boring.


The morning was very uneventful and just consisted of 3 cups of tea, a few songs on the good ol' bass and maybe a record or 2.

I wandered back into my room and looked for a book to read.

I scanned through all the books on my bookshelf and noticed that I had a few put away that I was gonna read but ended up never reading.

I decided on The Great Gatsby for now.

I got myself situated in a pile of pillows that I made.

I opened up the book and skipped the foreword and got straight into the story.


I was about half way into the book now and almost pulled a Rami.

A Rami is where you want to read the book but you decide it's not good enough so you just watch the movie instead.

He did this on every book report and somehow still got good marks.

I was half asleep and could hardly keep my eyes open until I heard the door being unlocked.

My eyes shot open and I walked over to the door and pressed my ear against it, just listening for any sounds.

I heard the click of the door being opened and my eyes widened.

This could very well be where I die so let Ben and my plants know I love them.

I opened my bedroom door just a crack and tried looking outside.

I couldn't see anything through the little space so I decided to just go for it.

I opened the door all the way and tiptoed out to the living room.

The sight I was greeted with was not at all what I was expecting.

It was Ben, he had his suitcase behind him and was absolutely beaming once he saw me.

I ran into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, I looked like a cat trying to climb a tree.

I was holding onto him for dear life and he was laughing.

God, I missed hearing his laugh.

I covered his face with little kisses and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I buried my face in his shoulder and smiled.

"I missed you so much Joey"

"I missed you too" my words were slightly muffled because of his shirt.

He carefully put me back down on the floor and started rummaging through his suitcase.

He pulled out a beret and placed it on my head.

I straightened out my posture and made a fake mustache with my finger.

"Ah! Oui oui um...Baguette?"

Ben laughed and shook his head.

He took the beret off my head and put it on his.

"Tu es l'amour de ma vie"

I learned what that meant because Ben learned a bit of French while he was away. He told me it meant "you're the love of my life"

I blushed and looked at the floor.

He grabbed his suitcase and went into the bedroom to put his things away.

I followed closely behind him.

I laid down on the bed while Ben was putting his clothes and such away.

I felt the weight on the bed shift and when I opened my eyes again Ben was laying next to me.

I smiled and placed my hand on the side of his face.

I traced little circles on his cheek with my thumb and he blushed.

I rested my head on his chest and sighed.

"God, I'm so glad to be back home."

"Well, it took you long enough"

We both chuckled and he looked up at me.

"I love you"

"I love you too Benny"

Don't play guitar with painted nails

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