Benjamin Hardy, representing America.

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Joe's P.O.V

Days passed.

Weeks passed.

And soon nearly a month passed.

I was starting to feel a little gloomy recently because I missed Ben.

Every night we'd call and text and whatnot when he wasn't busy but it still wasn't quite the same.

But surprisingly I haven't been super down about this or anything. I've been mostly okay.

I just got a vibe that everything was going to be okay.

I didn't know why. I just did.


I remembered the big completion thingy Ben was apart of was tonight.

I was excited to see him skate on television again. It makes me so happy and so proud.

He probably never thought he'd ever get this far in skating. I hoped I could see him in something even bigger! Maybe even the Olympics one day.

I sighed and sat back in my chair, waiting as minutes and hours passed.

I was anxiously waiting for the completion to come on tv.

I was so excited and nervous at the same time.


Once a few hours passed it was finally time to see my boy skate.

I knew I'd have to wait until towards the end but I didn't mind watching a few skaters go before him.

Everyone on these were always so talented.

But none of them were as talented as my Ben.

Once I finished zoning out I looked back up at the tv to see Ben's name across the bottom of the screen.

Benjamin Hardy, representing America.

I leaned forward in my seat and waited for him to skate out onto the ice.

The only problem is.... He never skated out.

No matter how many times they said his name, he just never showed.

I was worried and nervous.

Was he okay?

Where was he?

What was he doing?

Ooooooh suspense


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