Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

That evening, after work, we get Coco's things and officially move him in with me and Letti. We get things unpacked and I am sitting on the bed watching him. "What?" he asks, looking at me. "Just still kind of shocked." I say. "Why?" he asks. "Johnny, really?" I ask like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Seriously. Why wouldn't I want you as my Old Lady?" he asks and I look down at my hands. "Mi amor, look at me." he says as he kneels in front of me. Tilting my chin to look at him he says "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever fucking seen. You got curves in all the right places. You're an amazing cook. You take care of me and hell you took my kid in no questions asked." he says. "Our kid." I correct him. He smiles softly and says "Our kid." before kissing me softly. When we separate, I say "I better start dinner." He lets me up but before letting me walk away, he kisses me softly and says "I love you Amira." I smile and say "I love you too Johnny. I have for a while now." I say and he looks at me shocked this time. "Seriously?" he asks. "Why do you think I stole your hoodie?" I ask. "Looks better on you anyway." he says. Feeling brave I whisper in his ear "Imagine me wearing only your hoodie." before walking away and before I make it to the door he growls "Damn it woman." and I start laughing.

Walking into the kitchen, Letti walks in with me and asks "Can I help with dinner?" I smile and say "Yeah mija." We start getting things out to make stuffed peppers and get them in the oven. "Why don't you go shower while they're cooking." I tell her and she kisses my cheek and says "Te amo Mami." I smile and say "Te amo Bebita." Coco walks in and his hair is wet from his shower. He walks over behind me and wraps his arms around me and I lean back into him. "Had to take a cold shower because of you." he says and I shy away a little. "Don't do that. Don't shy away from me. Look at me." he says as he turns me to face him. I look at him and he says "You are fucking sexy as hell. I can't wait to officially claim you mi amor." he whispers. "I love you Johnny." I say. "I love you too Amira. Never doubt that baby." he says and I snuggle into his embrace.

Once dinner is done, we clean up the kitchen and Letti says "I think I'm gonna head to bed. Nights guys. Love you." she says. "Love you baby." I say. "Love you mija." Coco says before she heads down the hall. We sit on the couch and he pulls me into his lap. Caressing my face, we just look into each other's eyes. "Could you be more perfect?" I ask. "Nowhere near perfect mi amor." he says. I cup his face and say "You're fucking perfect. And you're mine." I whisper and he says "Fuck yeah I am." I kiss his lips softly and he stands with me in his arms and carries me to our bedroom for our first night together as a couple.

Walking into the bedroom, with me in his arms, he closes the door with his foot. Carrying me to the bed, he lays me down and I move up the bed and pull the covers back. We start shedding clothes and he hovers over me. Kissing me deeply as he enters me slowly, thrusting in and out slowly, making love to me. "Don't stop Johnny. Oh God don't stop." I moan. He kisses me passionately and I find release after release before he finds his inside me. He lays beside me and faces me. Pulling me close, I snuggle into him and the tears start to fall. "Hey. Hey. Mi amor. What's wrong baby?" he asks concerned. Tilting my chin up I say "I'm happy. I have you and Letti and I'm finally happy." I tell him. "So these are happy tears?" he asks. "Yeah baby. They're happy tears." I say. Kissing me softly he says "I love you." I smile and say "I love you too." before snuggling closer to him. We wrap ourselves around each other and drift off to sleep with smiles on our faces. 

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