Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

A few days later, the three of us venture into the clubhouse and everyone welcomes us. "How was your honeymoon?" Angel asks smirking. "Satisfying." I say laughing and Letti says "I so don't need to hear that." and we all start laughing harder. "Seriously though, it was good." I say. Bishop looks at Coco and says "Templo." I look at him and he looks at me confused and Coco kisses me and says "I love you." I smile and say "I love you too." He heads into church and I just watch the doors that he walked through and Letti says "I'm sure it's fine Ma." I look at her and smile softly.

A little later, the guys come out and I look at Letti and she's sitting on the couch talking to the Prospect. Coco comes up to me and says "Let's go to the dorm and talk." I nod and follow him. Once inside he says "We have a problem." I look at him and he says "My ex is snooping around. Been by here looking for me and Letti." he tells me. "Oh yeah. Okay." I say and go to stand. He grabs my hand and says "Listen to me." I shake my head and go to speak but he stops me. "I don't want her. She bailed when Letti was just a couple of days old. She doesn't even know her. You're her mom. No one else. You're my wife and Old Lady. No one else." he tells me. Kissing me deeply, he says "You and Letti are on lockdown here until we find her." he tells me. "Okay." I say. Kissing me one more time, deeper than before, he says "I love you so fucking much." I feel the tears fall and whisper "I love you too Johnny."

The guys are out there looking for Carlita and we are sitting in the clubhouse with Riz and the Prospect watching us. All of a sudden the door opens and in walks a woman none of us know. "Can we help you?" Riz asks standing up. "I'm here for Letti." she says. The Prospect pulls Letti behind him and I stand next to Riz. "Carlita?" I ask. "Yeah. Who the fuck are you?" she asks. I step forward and say "Her mother." She smirks and says "Oh, you're Coco's Old Lady. Honey, he won't be with your fat ass long now that he knows I'm back." she tells me. I take out my phone and say "You're ex is at the clubhouse. You might want to get here." I say before hanging up and not waiting on him to answer. I move over to Letti and Carlita glares at how she snuggles into me. "She won't get to you bebita." I say. "Prospect, take her to her dorm and stay there with her." I say and he does as I ask.

A couple of minutes later, Coco comes in and Carlita tries to push up on him. "Coco baby. I'm back." she purrs. He pushes her off of him and walks over to me, pulling me close. "You need to leave and never come back." he tells her. "Who's this bitch? Says she's Letti's mom." she asks. "She's my wife and she's Letti's mom." Coco says. "Whatever Coco. I'm back so your little whore can move on and we can be a family baby." she says trying to get him to come to her. Finally having enough, I take Coco's gun from his holster and put it to her head. "You can leave now or I can put a bullet in your skull." I tell her. "Bitch I'm not going anywhere." Carlita says so I pull the trigger, killing her. Coco rushes to me and takes the gun from me and pulls me close, handing the gun off to Angel while the guys start getting her out to the car to dispose of. Letti comes rushing in with the Prospect with her. "Mama." she cries. I let go of Coco and pull her into my arms as she rushes to me. "I'm okay bebita. Mama's okay." I tell her. She pulls back and looks at me and then sees the blood on the floor. "I'll clean that up." EZ says and I nod my thanks. "I told you she wouldn't get to you." I tell her and she snuggles into me, not letting me go. Coco comes over and pulls us to the couch to sit down. "Angel and Gilly are taking care of the trash." Bishop says. I look up at him and say "I'm sorry Bish." He shakes his head and says "I'm proud of you Princess. You protected your kid. Nothing to be sorry for." he tells me and I smile softly. After the Prospect gets the blood cleaned up, he takes Letti to the side and I see him whispering to her and then he kisses her lips softly. "He's good for her." I say to Coco. "Are you okay?" he asks and I still don't look at him. "Yeah." I say simply. "Baby look at me." he says. I look at him and he says "Leaving you is never going to be an option." I nod and snuggle into him while we watch our daughter with her boyfriend knowing things will be okay.

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