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Jennie heard the door slam shut as her boyfriend walked in from what appeared to be a long day at work. She sat on the couch and raised an eyebrow at his attitude.

"Yoongi? Did something happened today?" She asked.

He ignored her and walked into the bedroom as Jennie followed after. She don't like seeing him frustrated. It made the atmosphere at home so tense. He took off his shirt and socks and threw them on the floor along with his bag.

She's now stood behind him and traced his finger along his back. "What's wrong?" she asked softly.

Yoongi shook her hand off, grabbing an oversized shirt and putting it on. She grew annoyed at the sudden silent treatment when it wasn't even her fault. She crossed her arms at him.

"Can you at least tell me what happened? You can't just come home and throw your shit around and expect me to pick it up for you," she scolded.

Yoongi looked at her with rage filled eyes. He started making his way toward her, catching her off guard. Every step he took forward, she took one step back. She never seen yoongi so pissed off before. Everything was happening so fast that she hit her back against the wall behind her.

Jennie shut her eyes, instinctively bracing herself as she saw a hand coming up at her, his fist punched the wall beside her head, causing her to flinch. "Just shut up." he said.

Jennie's body trembled, she were too scared to even look at him, too scared to even move.

Although his bangs fell over his eyes, he could tell how shaken up Jennie were. He immediately realized his mistake and his heart filled with regret.

'Damn it' he thought to himself. He let his fist lightly fall on her shoulder and laid his head against hers.

"I-I'm sorry.." He was on the verge of tears. He was having such a bad day and he let his anger out on the one person that means the most to him.

Jennie finally looked up and saw his downcast face. Her lips parted as she took in the sight. Yoongi was never one to show this much emotion. He usually kept it to himself most of the time. This sight of him made her want to wrap her arms around him.

She lifted her hand and swept his bangs to the side and cupped his cheek. "Talk to me," she said gently.

After a few seconds, he finally spoke. "I got a call from my brother today, my mom is sick," he whimpered. Her heart broke for him. "I told the management about it but they said I couldn't fly down to daegu until I finished the world tour."

Jennie frowned at him. She took him into a hug and burried her face on his chest. "we'll find a way, we'll always do," she reassured him.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you, I was really mad but regardless, I shouldn't have lost my temper like that." he spoke more clearly.

"It's okay, Yoongi, " Jennie smiled, running circled on his back.


Jennie anxiously waited for her boyfriend to come home, she stood in front of the doorway with 2 luggages to the side of her. She were so excited to tell him the good news.

The door finally opened revealing Yoongi, looking tired as always. He stopped at his steps as he saw Jennie there. "what-"

"Surprise!! " she grinned. He stood confused with his mouth agape. "I spoke to Bang PD and convinced him to let you go to Daegu, with me of course, but the longest I could convince him was just three days and I booked a flight for tonight!! " she dropped it all on him excitedly.

He stood still, processing every word. He couldn't make out his reaction so it caused her to worry that maybe this wasn't what he wanted.

Jennie waved her hands in front of herself. "okay before you say anything, I know it's so sudden and that maybe you changed your mind but I could just cancel the tickets and-"

Before she knew it, Yoongi grabbed her face and pulled her into a deep kiss. She were shocked at first but immediately gave in. He pulled back, catching his breath.

"Thank you" he breathed out before peppering small kisses all over her face. "I love you so much."

She smiled against him as he held her body close to him. "I love you more, " Jennie smiled back.


I'm sorry for the sudden hiatus, I got a real big fat examination this year so I just had to study harder!! :(((

But look who's here?!! It's me!! :D I was shocked to see the book's view OMG thank you TT

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