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Jennie sulking after Yoongi called her exhausting.

“Jennie, please, you know I didn’t mean that,” Yoongi called after her, fingertips just barely grazing her arm as she tried to bolt from the room.

Jennie spun on him at the touch, ripping her arm away as if she’d been burned, and shot him an incredulous look. Even through the tears blurring her eyes, she could see the way his face had crumpled with regret, but it wasn’t enough.

“You called me exhausting, Yoongi, so go fucking rest,” Jennie spat, balling her fists at her sides.

She let him close the distance between them despite the sting of rejection still gnawing at her and trained her eyes on the floor as he took her hands in his, gently uncurling her fingers and bringing her palm to his lips. He hummed a sweet sound and she found herself growing incredibly upset with herself for letting him win her over again so quickly. The pull he had over her just wasn’t fair.

“You know I didn’t mean it. Not the way it came out. I’ve just been working so many back-to-back doubles.” he spoke so softly, so gently, she knew it must be true. “I’m sorry I’ve been too tired to spend time with you lately, and I’m sorry I took it out on you.”

Jennie swallowed hard, training her eyes on the floor so she wouldn’t have to face him when she spoke, hating how her voice cracked, “I just miss you so much. I feel like it’s been weeks since we’ve spent any time together.”

Yoongi dropped one of their hands to pull her in close, resting his chin on top of her head.

“I know, baby, and just talk to me if you’re feeling that way, okay? Let me know,” he said, lacing his fingers with hers. “You deserve the world, Jennie. I was just trying to give it to you.”

Jennie felt her brows knit together and she pulled away slightly to look up at him. The confusion written across her face must’ve pleased him because his lips pulled into that familiar, sweet smile. He cocked his head to the side.

“I wanted it to be a surprise, but open the drawer.”

She dashed across the room and yanked it open, immediately spotting the purple envelope. Jennie glanced up at Yoongi, an unsure grin playing across her face, and tore it open as carefully as she could with shaking hands. Inside was a simple card with a small set of dates jotted down on the front, right in the corner: one week before and one week after their anniversary.

Jennie opened the card and wondered how on earth she’d gotten upset with this man to begin with because there two plane tickets to the country she’d always told him she wanted to visit inside.

“This is why you’ve been working so much,” she realized, tears threatening to appear once again, heart aching.

Yoongi grabbed her by the waist and tugged her down onto the bed with him, earning a delighted squeak from Jennie.

“I’m sorry I called you exhausting. I just really wanted to get some rest before our trip.”

I can't fucking fluff

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