How most stereotypical wattpad stories begin

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I groaned as I turned off my annoying alarm clock. It's just another normal horrible day. I sat up as my abusive stepmother hit me and for some reason I don't have a dad.


I sighed and started to put my hair in a messy bun. I stared into the mirror and sighed.

"I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly. How could anyone ever love me?" I thought to myself as I looked into the mirror and saw my perfectly curved hour glass figure, ocean blue orbs, wavy shiny blonde hair and flawless creamy skin.

I went downstairs and saw my stepmother stumbling around, smoking weed, cooking meth and snorting lines

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING BRAT!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as she drank her 57th bottle of tequila. She threw the bottle at my head and I burst into tears.

I nervously opened the door and ran out of my house before my stepmother could beat the sh*t out of me again. I started walking to school. As I walked I saw a pretty brunette girl with teal eyes and I immediately knew it was Vanessa one of the popular girls. I immediately assumed she was a mean, fake wannabe just because she was a cheerleader. 

"Heyyyyy Abigail your such a L0sEr" she said, even though I've never spoken to her before and never even told her my name. She then walked away while she started to reapply lip gloss.

"Ugh, she's s0ooo0000ooo00 fake. I don't wear makeup, I'm the only real one!1!1!" I thought to myself as I started to apply some mascara to my eyelashes. I have no friends in school because I just don't seem to fit in. I'm way too ugly and qUiRkY!

I went to the school canteen to order coffee. I don't know why I have money in the first place since my stepmother is so abusive but that's just how cliche stories work I guess. Anyway, I was drinking my hot cup of coffee, then I tripped over a rock.

"F*ck!" I cursed under my breath and realised I had bumped into someone and spilled hot coffee all over their shirt. I looked up and gasped. I, Abigail Louisiana Malonious Stanley Rose Violet Blossom Autumn Jones, just spilled coffee all over the most popular, hot guy at school.He was the hottest guy in my grade, over 6 feet tall. His name was Cole Black. He was the boy that everyone liked, the f*ckboy. I trembled as I looked up at him, waiting for his reaction. 

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