Part 5

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iki said i would update yesterday but my wifi was out here is the new chapter also i noticed that i made lance realybraty and anoying and ikhes not like that so yhimrealy sorry and will no longer make him like that idk why i wrote him as a huge dick so im gonna update that at some point k on with the story


The trio made their way to the dining hall after Lance got dressed in his normal clothing and stat down at one of the tables, not long after they got their food and sat down the doors to the dining hall opened and there stood Keith who made his way to the lunch line after he got his food he looked around to try and find someone to eat with he saw Acxa but she seems to have made new friends with her group. Hunk noticed Keith was standing alone and called out for him "Hey Keith over here!!" Lance looked at hunk annoyed but kept his mouth shut, within a few seconds Keith was sitting next to lance at their table.


Ok ik its short but irealy wanted to get smtn out and made this in class so yh and this time i PROMIS i will update on sunday this week ALSO IF MY SPELING AND GRAMAR IS BAD IM SORRY   

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