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(Not edited)
Instagram: mama_adam._.draws

But it's not like any body cares. Not like they know anyway. They're all watching me slowly going insane as my life falls apart, and yet they don't even know it.
It's funny how much things can change in such a short amount of time. Over the 3 months that have gone by I've turned to drugs and alcohol.

Every night I sneak out after my beating and take a walk while I smoke a pack of cigarettes, then once I get back and check to make sure Ryan's asleep I pop a couple pills and take two shots of vodka. Then I help myself to a glass of wine. And in the morning after he leaves for work that's when I go to our balcony and smoke a bowl of weed. I prefer to be awake for the high than pass out on the couch.

If you're wonder how I have the money to afford this shit Ryan allowed me to get a job to help pay for rent. My weekly pay goes to rent and then I work extra hours and put that money aside for myself.

The season was changing and the weather was growing colder. It was the month of September and it was cool enough to be able to wear a coat and long sleeves.

At the moment I just got off of work and was on my way to do some grocery shopping and head back to the apartment when I heard someone calling my name from behind in the distance.

"Nashi!" It called. It was faint, but I could recognize that voice from anywhere.

"Nashi, wait up!" The voice called once again. I stop in my tracks and turn around to see none other than Storm Fulbuster running towards me.

Once he caught up he had to stop for a few seconds to catch his breath as I just stood there with no expression waiting for him to be able to speak once again.

After a minute passes he stood up straight an gave me a heart warming smile that would have any girl or even guy falling high over heels for him. It saddened me thinking this, knowing that I could never have what I really wanted.

Wow Nashi. How could you be so selfish? Why are you being so selfish?After Ryan has given you all of what you need. A roof over your head, food, beatings that will help you get stronger, and he tells you only the truth. How could you ever think that you need something different and more than that? You really are the worst girlfriend that anyone could ever have.

Well well well. The voice speaks once again. It's been what? 2 weeks since I last heard the voice? Oh well, who cares. No one. It's right after all. I have what I need and I don't need anything else. Ryan has done so much for me, how could I ever go behind his back? He loves me!

"Nashi?" I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Storms voice calling for me. I look up to see that he had a concerned look on his face.

"I'm sorry, what was it you were saying? I spaced out." I said. Storm spoke once again.

"I asked how you were doing and if you and Ryan's relationship has grown at all." He said. I felt my body tense up.

"Fuck. Not now. Why did he have to ask that? Why does anybody have to ask that?" I mentally cursed.

"Everything's fine. And to answer your other question yes. Yes, we have grown closer since we got together." I lied. On the outside I looked completely calm. However and on the inside I was mentally having a panic attack.

I couldn't tell if it actually happened or if it were just me, but after I said that I could see the look of disappointment written on his facial expression.

"Oh," he spoke, "well I'm happy for you. The both of you."

"Thank you. Have you gotten into any relationships recently?" I asked. Why I bothered asking I had no idea.

I Hate That I Love You (NashiXStorm)Where stories live. Discover now