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(Not edited)
Instagram: mama_adam._.draws


I had met up at the Dragneel's house to tell them about the event that happened last night. I had just gotten to part where Nashi pulled out a cigar when Igneel has jumped up with anger radiating off his body.

"How could she just put all that toxic in her body with no care in the world?!" He shouts out. Natsu has to sit him down and rub circle on his back to try and calm him.

"It helps." Ash stated though he looked rather disappointed himself.

"I understand why she would because I've been there. After graduating high school and moving into a new apartment with my girlfriend at the time I was depressed. It didn't welp much when she cheated on me. When I found out I wash enraged and kicked her out without a second thought. And she didn't have a second thought either to pack her things and leave. When she left I broke. I didn't know how to take the pain. We were high school lovers, started dating freshman year all throughout till graduation. I was falling behind in college, and the day I lost my first job for being late for a whole week was the day I bought my first pack of cigarettes. I became addicted. They lifted the stress of the world off my chest and allowed me to breath in 'freedom'," Ash air quoted the word freedom, "than I met Christine at a bar one night, and she helped me. Convinced me to talk to my parents about my addiction that I hid from them for two years and they helped me get off of them." Ash spoke. I nodded my head in understanding.

"Nashi's going through a lot right now wether she will admit it or not. The whole conversation I had with her it was plain obvious she was lying to me about everything." I spoke.

"Igneel," I started off carefully, "I understand you're concerned for your sisters health. I am too. I care about her, hell I'll even admit it out loud to you that I love her. But she's too broken to even care about her own health. She's suffering in an abusive relationship and is keeping it from all of us because she's scared of what he will do to her. So to help herself, she smoked and drinks to get away. I know she drink because I see her at the bar with her coworkers that I've met a few times."

They all look at me with saddening expressions. Nalu looked lost. I can't imagine what she and Ash must feel right now. Not to mention Igneel. To see own of your own baby/older sister falling apart can hurt. But your twin? I feel sorrr for Igneel.

Igneel and Nashi were very close growing up. They were always hard to separate at times in school when they were in a different class. School was the only place you would see one without the other. They always held onto the others hand as a way to tell each other 'I am here' and they never let go until they had too.

Even growing up they still are close. They don't hold hands anymore, though everyone can tell they want to but don't want people thinking the wrong thing, they still stay close to the others side. They would always be there to send the other off as well when one went on a date. When one would cry the other would be there. When one was sick the other would stay and take care of them. And when one was asleep the other would sleep beside them.

That all changed though when Nashi moved in with Ryan at age 16. She started to become more distant with everyone, which isn't like Nashi at all.

After the family dinner over 7 months ago she just stopped coming over for visits. That's also around the time where she stopped going to the guild often and dropped out of school." Ash explained to me.

"Wait, hold up just one second. Nashi dropped out of school?! Why?!" I was furious hearing this. She needed an education.

"We don't know," Lucy started to speak up, "but we think it has to do with Ryan."

"My guess is that he's an over protective man and gets jealous easily as well. What other reason is there that explains why she's hardly ever be seen?
And from what you told us about last night, my suspicions are correct." Igneel said. We all nod our heads in agreement. That's when Nalu spoke up.

"We're getting her out of there."

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