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(Not edited)
Instagram: mama_adam._.draws

When really you were the key to all the pain I had locked away hoping for it to vanish and be forgotten.
"Something's up with Nashi. She's been acting deferent these past few months. I just can't seem to put my finger on it." I thought to myself. It was really worrying me that Nashi had become more............distant....with everyone.

Even her own family. And it doesn't help that she comes to the guild everyday with fresh bruises marking her delicate soft skin. Or at least when she does come.

"Now that I think about It, her appearance at the guild is rare now............what is going on behind closed doors?"

I've come to have taken a liking in Nashi over the years we've known each other. Though it's hard to confess your feelings to a girl who is 4 years younger than you which makes them under age to date me, and is already taken.

However I didn't care about the age difference and the law. Age is just a number to me. Unless it's come to like a 50 year old dating a 16 year old than there's obviously going to be some issues there. But as long as the age gap isn't too big there should be no problem.

"Hi Storm." I heard a familiar voice speak from behind me. I turned around to respond to the person who called me.

"Hey Lisa." I say in a casual tone.

Lisa was Lissana and Bixlows daughter. She was a year younger than me and has always had a major crush on me. She thinks I don't know, but it's obviously when she's always so clingy and lovey all over me, and she always tries to get me to go on a "mission" with her with just the two of us. If you know what I mean.

Everyone in the guild says we would make a great couple, and Mira tries to help Lisa out and trick me into going on a date with her. Little do they know I can see right through their plans.

Igneel and Gale are the only ones that see that I don't see  her in that way, and know I never will. I mean they're my pales. They know pretty much everything about me and I know pretty much everything about them.

Don't get me wrong she is a beautiful young lady but she just isn't the one I have my eyes on.

"I was wondering i-"

"No." I cut her knowing what exactly she was going to say. I didn't want to be rude but this was starting to get on my nerves. Lisa huffed in annoyance.

"Why won't you just go out with me already?!" She screamed. The guild went quiet and turned their attention to the both of us. I slouched a little as an attempt to hide a little bit not wanting any attention to be drawn on me. But of course Lisa just HAD to cause a scene.

"Lisa, please," I say, "people are watching."

"No, no I'm not going to just sit back any longer and watch my man slip from my grip! I love you Storm! I have for the longest time! Please just except my feelings and take me on a date already!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry Lisa." I started. But before I could talk anymore she blew up at me once again.

"Why won't you just date me already! Is there someone els?! Am I not good enough for you?!"

That's when I could no longer hold it in as my last string had been pulled.

"Shut up!" I raised my voice. This got everyone in shock. I hardly ever raised my voice at anyone no matter the person. So they knew this was going to be interesting.

"Lisa just except it. I love you I really do," this got her to perk up and a smile glazed her features, "but not in the way you want! You're a little sister to me Lisa. I can't love you the way you want me to." I finished off in a softer tone.

The whole guild was silent as they watched the scene though a couple of 'ooh's' could heard in the midst of the crowd. From the corner of my eyes I could see some members had jaws dropped and eyes wide from shock. No surprises there.

Lisa herself was wide eyed as she had tears streaming down her face. Then she turned around and ran out the guild letting her sobs fill the room as she left.

I could feel everyone's eye on me. I didn't know what to do. I made one of my friends cry in front of everyone here. There's no fixing that especially since she's had this crush on me for years now.

After a few moments of utter complete silence everyone went back to what they were doing before.

I heard soft foot steps coming from behind and felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see my sister Silvia smiling.

"Congratulations on telling her to back off. I was waiting for you to that for who knows how long." She spoke. I smile.

"Thanks." Was all I said before uncle Natsu came up to me. He had a worried expression written on his face that he tried to cover up with a fake smile.

"Hey Uncle Natsu. What's up?" I ask curious as to what he was going to say.

"We need to talk." Was all he said before walking out the guild as all the other member continued to their own business while Lisa's family and two best friends Roxie Redfox and Jacklyn   Fernandez stared me down.

I made my way through the crowd of Fairy Tale members and outside the guild. Once I had left I was met face to face with the Dragneel family.......except for Nashi.......

"Huh? What is it you all need of me?" I asked with curiosity. They all had worried and sad expressions but changed quickly when I asked this question.

"Storm. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to talk to us. This really means a lot." Aunt Lucy spoke.

"Of course. Anything for you guys. I love all of you and if I am needed in your family I'll be there." I respond with my signature smile.

This seemed to lighten up everyone. I wasn't lying when I told them this. I would do anything for the Dragneel family.

"Thank you, we really appreciate it especially me." Nalu spoke. She looked like she was about to cry. This made me worry even more.

"Now back to the reason why we have you here....have you...noticed anything different? About Nashi?" Ash spoke.

"Yeah, I have. She seems more distant with everyone and I've also notice how she has bruises when she's at the guild. Not to mention she's been wearing a lot of sleeves lately." I responded to his question. Something just wasn't adding up.

"Storm I know you have feelings towards Nashi." Lucy spoke. This shocked me. We're my feelings towards their eldest daughter noticeable?

Natsu must read my confused expression because he spoke up after a few seconds later.

"It's pretty obvious when you're just starting at her longingly like a lost puppy every time she shows up at the guild." He said with amusement.

I could feel my face heat up, blushing a dark crimson color. I didn't know it was that obvious. I wonder how many people figured it out.

"Oh." Was all I said. I heard Lucy giggle a little along with Igneel and Nalu while Ash just gave me that know it all smirk and Natsu just smiled at me.

"Ok, ok. Back to why we're all here." Igneel spoke up.

"Storm we need you to help us with getting Nashi out of that apartment." He finished. I knew what apartment he was talking about. It was the apartment I used to visit an old dear friend from middle school all through high school.

"Why? What do you think is going on?" I asked. But I knew what they were going to say. The signs were all obviously. Nashi thinks we can't see through her mask? Well she's wrong.

Ash was the one who said it. Those words that could hurt more people than you think possible.

"Nashi is being abused by her own boyfriend, Ryan."

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