♠️Miss 21♠️

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You entered the casino, looking for a good time. The second you walked in you had eyes on you. Of course you would, looking the way you do. You are a very pretty lady, so knowing the kinds of crowds that come to places like the Devil's Casino you're going to get hit on. Like that one song by that one lady, you're feeling sexy and free. You found a table instantly playing one of your favorite games in the world, so you sat down at the table. What was the game? Since you clearly can't read the title nor bio of the book and chapter it's Blackjack 21.

"Deal me in."

The entire table simply stared at you. The head of the table seemed to be some sort of Cigar man  and the rest of the table were normal creature people you see around Inkwell Isle. You recognized one of them as Captain Brineybeard from the thirds Isle. The cigar man shrugged and everyone got dealt their cards: one face up and one down so only you could see. You saw that you had a perfect combination. An ace and a face card. Since an ace can be either eleven or one, you decided just to keep the eleven. After dealing everybody places in their blind bets. You take out your entire sack of good and throw it in the center. Everyone stares at you like you're a madwoman.

"All in bitch."

The guy sitting next to you, not the captain, takes a large swing of his whiskey and the Cigar man keeps an eye on you as he gives the captain a hit. He takes three hits beforehand freezing, that madman. He then turns to you. You smirk and shake your heads. He blankly stares at you again, using his eyes to motion again to the deck of cards. Ha ha, nope. You shake your head again and then gives the guy next to you two hits. He gives himself a single hit and is done. The captain and dealer add more into the bet. You've already gone all in so you can't do squat. Captain Brineybeard has to reveal before you, since he's to the dealer's right.


He reveals that he has a perfect twenty. He has a six, a three, another three, a seven, and an ace. Ooh, fun. Sadly that's not twenty one. If you want a garunteed win at this game, you gotta hit that good ol' twenty one. All eyes on you. You flip over and reveal the face card that went with your ace. Surprising everyone, it was the ace and king of spades. It's almost too perfect to be true.

"Twenty One."

Shocked expressions all around. You looked over smugly at the guy sitting next to you, who had an eight and a seven showing. He revealed that his card underneath was an eight. Aww, poor thing. He broke.


You turned to the dealer, who had a face card and a two. Twelve showing. So unless he had a nine under there you get all the gold in the center. Sure enough, he flips over the card and reveals the nine of hearts. 

"Twenty One."

So that means you split the pot with the dealer, huh? Sweet. You take your sack of gold back and he takes his entire bid back. Whatever is left over you two split between yourselves evenly, counting it out until you had the same amount. Frustrated, the guy to your left... left. Captain Brineybeard seemed extremely frustrated, but he wasn't done with the table yet. Curious, two more people joined your little table. One of them was a very sophisticated looking woman and the other was kind of similar to her but in silver and he wasn't a roulette wheel. Based on their uniforms, they both worked here. Fun! You're so freaking excited to play again. 

You watched carefully on how the Cigar man shuffled the cards, exactly how his hands moved. It was almost as if he was moving the cards in a special way but he wasn't. If he was, you'd know about it. You see a flicker of the ace of spades at the very bottom of the deck before he starts to deal. So you might not get an ace, but you might get your lucky suit. You've clearly gotten attention from many people in the casino. People started wandering to the area of the table, watching how this went. After making your second all in bet You saw out of the corner of your eye a man adorned in purple watching you carefully. Must be the floor manager. You looked at your face down card. A face card. Queen of spades. Your top card was the jack of spades. Alright, we got the queen. 

After Brineybeard took a hit and raged right out of there, your turn. You have twenty, but you went all in so it's time to risk everything. You know where the ace of spades is, but maybe you can get another wonderful little ace. No aces we're shown up top nor in the captain's sad excuse for a round of blackjack. There's three aces out of... how many cards? Fifty two minutes two times four minus the three is fifty two minutes eight minutes three. Fifty two minutes eleven is forty one. You have a three out of forty one chance of getting an ace, which is a little bit over seven percent if you wanna count all them decimals.

"Hit me."

Reluctantly, Mister Cigar gave you a card. What luck! Look who got the ace of hearts? You freeze there and he moves onto the silver square guy who looks freaking adorable. He freezes on the spot. He must have two face cards or a face and an ace. His showing card is the jack of diamonds. Onto the roulette wheel she takes two this before freezing and the dealer breaks after two hits. Figures with a showing card of eight. Never go over two hits when your card is above a seven showing unless you have a two or an ace underneath. Duh. Little silver boi threw in some Moreno money and that was all for the final bets. All eyes were on you as you revealed your precious queen of spades.

"Twenty One."

AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!!! The little silver buddy also had twenty one and was quite proud of it. Okay, let's break from the story to say that the little silver boi needs to be protected and we love him. Thank you. Miss Roulette had twenty and the dealer had nineteen. Wow he fell short. You grabbed your sack and you went ahead and let the little guy have a little bit more than half of the rest of the pot after taking his bets. It's called being nice, especially to cute little ones like him.  The Cigar was seething flames, that's when the purple man walked through the crowd and literally threw the man away from the dealer's spot. The roulette stepped back, dragging silver boi with her. You just kept on smiling at the Dice man.

"Alright, Missy Ma'am. That's enough fun and games. It's time to make a bet."

Ooh, a real bet with someone who really can play the game well. Right joe you're riding on your luck and maybe a little bit of cheating. Okay, we don't need to explain how you're cheating just yet. That fun can be reserved for the next chapter after the author writes the cliffhanger in just a second. Oops! Spoilers! Sorry! That's enough breaking the fourth wall for now. You lean in, listening intently on the bet. This is going to be fun.

"We're going to play 'nother around of blackjack, darlin'. If you can score another perfect twenty one, you get all the riches in the entire casino. But if I win, you sell your soul to the devil. Does that sound fair?"

Ooh, that accent is going's to give you shivers. You looked at your sack of gold. It ain't  much, but you don't care. You don't care about money. You're just here to have fun. You oooked around, trying to see if you can spot the devil somewhere. Oh Satan! Where are you? Ah! There he is! He's sitting at the bar, watching intently with his tail swinging back and forth. Huh, he's a lot fuzzier than you've imagined. It's kinda creepy. He doesn't look like he's too horrid so you don't mind. Your shrug and smile sweetly at the damn good looking dice dealer.

"Deal's on, Mister Dice."

1438 Words

Fleur De 21 [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now