♠️Witch 21♠️

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"Heyyyyyyy King Dice!"

You cheered, walking over to him with a wide smile on your face. He sighed, dropping whatever he was doing to annoyedly turn around to face you. He raised on eyebrow, clearly not impressed with this whole dog and pony show you were performing. Now it's time to take Mister Whiskey's advice. People find people who are independent and throng attractive. Hopefully King Dice was one of those people. He crossed his arms, waiting for you to say something. Huh, what exactly did you want to say? This wasn't exactly something you thought through entirely. Oppose Daisies! Lol XD

"I wanted to invite you to play a one on one game of Poker. I think you're very suave and excellent at cards and I want to be able to form a good relationship with you."

King Dice flinched, clearly not expecting that level of formality from someone like you who had just been flaunting yourself off like a slut maybe five minutes ago. Yes, you were still sticking to that plan, but there's always room to experiment is there not? You took a deck out of your cleavage of the dress the devil gave you, taking it out of the package and flicking through the cards just to tempt him. You kept in innocent face on. Come on, please accept the offer! You really wanna do this! With a defeated scoff, he rolled his eyes and let the sarcasm become one with his voice.

"I suppose a round or two wouldn't hurt. But I'm dealing. I don't trust a sleazy temptress to try and get the worst of me."

He snatched the deck from yours hands and composedly walked over to the bar, since neither of you wanted to disrupt the guests here. You snickered. You were going to take the fact he considered you a temptress as a compliment that you were doing your job right. You followed him, sending a wink to Hopus who was doing waiter duty in your stead. He grinned and gave you a thumbs up through his magic hat. You sat down at the bar next to King Dice, to find him already shuffling. You flicked your necklace to be a black spade with a white Q in the center, for the spade queen. You're going for a royal flush. You noticed that Sir Scotch had already woken up and started drowsily watching your game, his long moistache dragging along the counter around him.

"Five card stud, no wilds."

You're down for that. He's probably testing your abilities to get perfect hands, taking the advantage of an odd situation. It's a win-win for the both of ya. You got your five cards and what do you know, a perfect royal flush of spades. You let your eyebrows flicker up and a smile play at the corners of your lips. King Dice will be tickled pink to see this. Thank you sorcery and witchcraft for being the ultimate magical mcguffin. You realized that dealer can't set down his hand first so you spread out your perfect royal flush. All of spades. You smugly look at his shocked expression. Oh yeah, Dice, be impressed.

"Royal flush. Top that."

He clicked his tongue and revealed his own royal flush of hearts. It seems that the two of you are at some sort of impass. King Dice froze for a moment, looking in your eyes. What have your pupils changed into? You haven't seen your eyes in a mirror with this specific charm. Maybe it's just two spades or maybe a Q. You gasped as you could feel your pendant growing warmer. It changed automatically again, didn't it? You looked down and saw a red heart right there, beaming back at you. Your eyes must be in the shape of two hearts now. You look up at King Dice, who reached out and graves your chin. He lifts it up so that the light catches your eyes, trying to figure out something. There was a moment, a pause of utter agonizing silence, before he finally decided to mumble out some speech.

"Your eyes, Darlin'. They're gorgeous. How did you get get 'em to do that?"

You got him enchanted with your little trick. You remembered that you were supposed to be a temptress in that moment and smiled, tapping on your necklace to change it back into spades. Spades are your suit of choice after all. If only you had gotten Hopus to teach you a magic trick or maybe had given you one of them teleporty things to put in your bra to pull out some sort of ribbon then could you bewitch him even further. Hey, bewitch. Witch. That doesn't sound too far off. Fleur De 21, Witch Of then Devil's Casino. That does have a nice ring to it. You dragged your hand over King Dice's, pulling it away from your face, and giggled as you gave him the standard anime head pat.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out, Dicey~ This Flower has to keep her secrets~"

He chuckled, letting you go and spinning around on the barstool to get back to facing the bar. You slid off and began walking away, but you took your sweet time to hear him order a refined wine and watch Pirouletta go up to him for a nice little chat. She was kind of... prissy earlier. You hoped that wouldn't last because she seemed kinda cool when you first got here. Then again, So did Dot because you had eyes for King Dice. Maybe all the girls in this casino are green with envy. You'd expect the seven deadly sins to be abundant here. It's the devil's casino. Speaking of the devil, maybe you should go see him.

Making your way around the floor, dancing around to entice customers and even helping a few win their hands at poker much to Chips' and Wheezy's dismay, you made it to the back door of the devil's office. Maybe he has something a bit mixed up from the usual routine. How long has it been anyways? The sense time in this place is thrown off. Now that you think about it, maybe it's that way to entice the customers to stay and waste all their money for longer amounts of time. It could have been a month and felt like a day. Who knows! Maybe keeping that theory to yourself would be more fun than asking for the real answer. Focus! You knocked on the door and heard a roar of a raspy voice from the other side.

"What is it!? If it's not a disaster or a soul contract it can flicking wait!!!"

You cleared your throat, summoning your best cliché innocent yet kinda slutty girl voice. Wait, first you reapplied your black lipstick and then you called out through the door:

"Oh Sir, I'm sure you can make some time for a poor little helpless girl in need like me."

The door opened on its own, letting you in. You smirked smugly, looking over your shoulder to see Dot glaring you down while Pip sitting above her was talking to Mangosteen and that horse guy who probably doesn't have a name. You entered the office and closed the door behind you. Suddenly your wrist was grabbed and you were slammed against the wall. Your eyes went wide, shining with the spade pupils, as the bloody teeth and decaying breath of the devil was met in your gaze. His yellow eyes pierced your soul. As he just trying to scare you or did you do something wrong. Before you knew it, he started laughing. He let go of your wrists, letting you off the wall. It was only then did you realized he pinned you like he was goin goin to rape you. Oh, so he was just trying to scare you. That's good.

"Your face was priceless, toy. So what did you want from me?"

He sat down at his desk, tail flicking like an alleycat's when watching a mouse scamper by. He gestured for you to take a chair, but you thought you should probably get in character. You kicked the rolling chair out of the way and sat down on the desk, leaning over on the paper he was looking over. He rolled his eyes and pushed you off. Eh, worth a try. You walked back and got the chair, moving it back. Okay so drop the character and be serious. Looks like Mister Whiskey's advice stands tall yet again.

"Okay two things. One is that I thought of another thing for my little character. See, King Dice was confused on why I get perfect hands and I thought of an idea that I was a witch and I think it fits. Secondly, I don't have a clue what to do for my next move. I figured since you obviously want me to win our little bet and make King Dice off the walls mad you'd know what I should to to drive him insane. Oh, and the more magical the better because he seemed to be fascinated with the changing shape of my eyes and whatever."

Satan followed, nodding his head with your words and thinking. You leaned back in your chair very unladylike. It's not like you're pretending again. You looked around the office for an idea. Your eyes landed on a poster of Jessica Rabbit from that famous movie Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. She was smoking hot. You looked back at the devil, to see him staring at the same thing. You both shared a devious smile. 


1600 Words

Fleur De 21 [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now