♠️Temptress 21♠️

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You decided to try out some work as a waitress since you were all gussied up and the people at the casino seemed to take a fondness to you. It was actually the domino Siamese twins, Pip and Dot, who suggested it to you. Who knew this kind of work was so fun! You stepped and danced around the casino to the music of the jazz band in the back as played by Mister Chimes, Mangosteen (somehow), and that skelehorse. It was pretty good and out of nowhere patrons just piled money on your tray, which you would collect and hand to someone trustworthy like Pirouletta. You tried handing it to King Dice once, but he pushed you away.

Since nobody ordered a drink in the past few moments, you leaned over the bar and involved yourself in a discussion between Pip, Dot, and Sir Scotch. Sir Scotch was talking about an overseas war he took part in with Captain Brineybeard and Werner Wermin before he gambled his soul away to work here shortly after (because his wife cheated on him when he got back from risking his damn life) and you were invested in the story. That's when the Devil himself clawed his hands into your shoulder and dragged you back towards him, scaring you. His fur was surprisingly soft, so you didn't mind. You just smiled at him, having an all around good time.

"Hello Mister Satan, need me for something?"

He groaned at the name, causing you to snicker. For the first time, too many weren't paying attention to make a big deal of the next turn of events. The devil literally picked you up and threw you over his shoulder like Princess Fiona and carried you to his office in the back, opposite to the break room. He slammed the door behind him, causing you to flinch. He threw you down into a chair and smirked something awful. You pressed your lips together in a thin line, averting your gaze. You must have done something wrong, right?

"Listen, rookie. You haven't been here for twenty four hours but you already act like you've been here your entire life. What's more, because you are here you've made quite a few of my useless employees actually do their jobs right, like that damn tipsy troupe. You also have gained me immense profit in tips and many horny men lusting after you. And you don't seem to mind unlike our other feminine figure. So I have decided to actually keep you here in the casino instead of sending you to damnnation like the rest of my no good debtors. Think of it as me going back on a planned backstab. Be grateful."

You slowly nodded, not understanding what he was getting at in the slightest. Yeah, he improved the moods of several employees. You still have not introduced yourself to a handful like the poker chip guy you're dying to meet. Mangosteen said that his name is Chips Bettington and he is a sucker for any sort of bet, like his name suggested. You wanted to play a few round song of twenty one with him or do one of those cool shuffling magic tricks that your parents did for you growing up. That would be freaking awesome. Side tangent over. Time to pay attention to your boss.

"However as a thank you for this I require a favor. See, my good for nothing lacky: King Dice, seems to act stranger when you are around. So I want to both test your abilities to prove useful to me and make a little bet. I know you love taking a gamble, don't you (name)?"

Wow, it's been a while since you've heard someone use your name. It's only been since you left home, but it feels like forever. Yes, you loved taking bets! You didn't care what it was. Life is a gamble! You sold your soul to work in a casino run by Satan himself! Of course you're gonna have fun and take a bet! Your flick your eyebrows up, letting your finger hover in front of your lips to hide your smile. Don't want to ruin any sort of poker face. The devil took these signs that you knew the connotations of this little bit with the hint so he littered in his dialogue, so he continued with his explanation. 

"Now, you are going to basically become a performer for me. You are going to be the casino's doll. The flower. I want to see how flirtatious you can be to the customers to get maximum profit. You want as many men, and women if possible, to fall in love with you and throw their money at you. If all goes well, you can rival King Dice and see if you can get people to give up their souls for a damn kiss from you. You are going to become our little Queen of Spades, but that name sounds very intimidating don't you think? What I've come up with is to call you Fleur de 21. It's French, inviting, and shows off your skills ar blackjack. Whaddya say?"

Going through the instructions in your mind, it doesn't sound like a bet. It sounds fun and it would be cool to one up the most important man in the casino besides the boss, but where's the fun in a bet with no winner or loser? Sounds like he's trying to persuade you more than take a gamble with you. You furrowed you're brow and crossed your arms, being a thespian at heart, and decide to make the scene more dramatic than it is. You have to practice for your performance, don't you? You flipped your hair back and batted your eyelashes too, trying to put emphasis on your face. Watch out Jessica Rabbit, you got competition.

"Hardly sounds like much of a bet to me. Don't get me wrong, that sounds like a hell of a time, but where's the gamble? There's gotta be some sort of thing I need to work for that people can be that I'll win it or not. I need that adrenaline rush, or else this is a one sided deal. And before you argue with me, I willingly stayed and gave you my soul so you better reconsider sending me to damnation."

The devil laughed, as if amused by the entire idea of you as a character and that you think you could sass him. He stood up from his desk and looked around, as if trying to get an idea. He then took out a marker and slapped his wall, turning it into a whiteboard. He made a chart with two sections and wrote on the top for and on the other side of the chart against and put a singular long tally make on the for side of the chart. There we go. That's a bet. Now what the bet actually is... that's something you're dying to hear.

"Remember when I mentioned how you've been making my right hand pussy King Dice act very peculiar? I have a theory that you have something to do with it. As a part of your little temptress act, I want you to try and score with him. Wether score with him means fucking him senseless or getting a date is entirely up to you. But I want you to seduce him. I want you to make him feel miserable. Be the prize he can't Obtain. That would be a very interesting show to watch, considering that King Dice had never let himself become vaunerable nor seduced before. And to raise the stakes of our bet... if you win you become my left hand woman and another floor manager and you get to have some control on what happens in the casino. However, if you lose, you become one of my toys. Not sexually, gross. But one of my little torture devices that I can have fun making miserable for all eternity. Deal?"

Seduce King Dice or essentially damnation? Believe it or not, that's a sound bet in your favor. You're not even worried about the risk of the bet because, quite simply, you think you already have him attached based off of that sarcastic treatment earlier. Almost reminiscent of a tsundere. Besides, the devil wouldn't throw away such a valuable asset to his casino with all the extra profit you earn. Besides reprise, he even said himself he wants to see King Dice Infuriated because of you so he obviously knows you can do it with ease. With a snicker to yourself, you stuck out your hand. The devil shook it, sealing the bet. You kinda hoped that people in the casino would start placing bets. That would be hella fun. But then this story would be a complete carbon copy of Waitress of Suits, and we don't want that. Oh well.

"Deal. Now if you excuse me, Mister Devil, this flower hasn't to get back out there and earn some gold."

In an elegant, graceful turn, to stood up and whipped your hair and skirt around. You swayed your hips as you walked out of his office, switching your pendant to be a diamond. The Devil smirked and drew another dark tally mark on the for side of the chart. That's yours and his votes. Maybe in a few hours, after you finish socializing with every member of this casino, will he go ahead and collect everyone else's bets. Chips will probably collect the money for the bets, being the little dastard he is.

The only hard part is keeping this a secret from that arrogant son of a bitch with a cube for a head....

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Fleur De 21 [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now