♠️Dealer 21♠️

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Even with the excessive shuffling from the people all around, you still managed to get your perfect combination. Ace of spades over and Queen of spades under. You looked at Hopus and Pachinko. You're rooting for Pachinko! And Hopus! You motioned for everyone to reveal their cards in order. The only ones you truly cared about were Hopus and Pachinko. Hopus had twelve showing and Pachinko had a whopping nineteen showing. You were so relieved to know that Hopus and Pachinko both got twenty one. Everyone was watching you. You smiled as sweet as you could.

"Looks like I'm still the queen."

You flicked up the queen of spades and the crowd goes wild again! And it wasn't even the same one that Hopus put in your hair that you've completely forgotten about until now. You gather the cards, taking the entire pot and shoving it down the table into the winnings going's towards the casino. There's a place you put the money the dealer wins under the table. And if real casino's don't work that way, well then the devil's casino is just different. The author didn't bother to do the research for this fact. King Dice then walks behind you, reaching over the place in the table to snag the queen of hearts in your hair, causing it to fall back down around your face because he yanked the ribbon from Pirouletta with it.

"No cheatin', doll."

You rolled your eyes, showing off that you had the actual queen. How could you be cheating if you had the actual queen? That queen was just for fashion. You didn't get mad, however. You decided to get playful flirty about it. Hey, if you got the dice to blush before maybe you can get him to blush yet again.

"Awww, if you wanted me to take my hair down you could have just asked, Mister King Dice."

It didn't work this time. He just rolled his eyes and went on his way. Ha ha! Get it? Rolled his eyes? Because his head is literally a die? Like, a singular dice? You really need to become a comedian! You're killing yourself! You got some laughs all around and you tried to tie you're hair back again, but you're hopeless. How do ribbons in hair even work? Is that just a think anime girls can do and not real life girls? You pouted your lips, deciding to let it go. You were about to just tie the ribbon around your wrist and get on with dealing for your full table when suddenly it wasn't ripped from your hand.

"Give me this. You're obviosuly hopeless."

King Dice strikes again. While he's tying your hair back and fiddling with your extra Queen of Spades that Hopus gave you, you decided to put on a little act for the guests. You pointed back to him with your thumb where he couldn't see it and pumped your fist like you won a prize. You got a few snickers and it was great. You're loving it here! It's only been maybe four hours and it feels like home! Fanfiction time Logic. The writer is too tired and lazy to even think of good reasoning. Suck it.

King Dice left again, this time not in a rush, and went back to taking care of all da customers. You took the deck and shuffled it again, showing everyone that you weren't organizing the cards in any sort of way. You passed the deck around. We all know how this goes down because it was described earlier in the chapter so we aren't running the same show again. This isn't play rehersal. After dealing to everyone and flipping you our card over, you notice an anomaly. Why was the ace of hearts showing? Wasn't your lucky suit Spades? You looked at the card underneath. Suicide King. For you uncultured swines reading this, that's the king of hearts. What gives? You frowned, looking down at your necklace subtly. The twenty one was now red instead of black. Nobody at the table seemed to notice the continuity change.

After hitting everyone except Panicko at least once, it was time to show cards. You notice that nobody had the Ace of Spades, but some random person got your queen and Pachinko got the Jack. Many people had numbers of clubs and diamonds, but Spades and Hearts seem to be scarce. That was extremely odd. You flipped over your cards and the table is starting to get frustrated because they have no proof that you were cheating because they shuffled the deck themselves. You remained silent, staring at the king. The  you looked over your shoulder to see King Dice and another friend you haven't been introduced to that's a conjoined twin domino chatting up some ladies at the bar. There has to be some sort of connection.

"Alice. Shuffle the Cards."

You're brought back to reality thanks to Hopus Pocus. You noticed that another person in the casino uniform sat down in between Hopus and Pachinko after a few guests left. A new table opened and the domino left the bar to go run something or another. Probably a game of Hold 'Em since there ain't one yet. Absently, you shuffle the cards. The twenty one was still red. You didn't ask it to change... After passing around the deck and getting it back, you froze a second. Taking a second and placing the deck down to think, you looked up at Hopus.

"Hey, could you take over a round or two? I need a second. Also hello friend!"

You cheer and wave at Mister Monkey Man, who happily does the same and claps his symbols together. A cute little nametag that nobody else has said his name was Mister Chimes. You walk out of the table and go instantly to the break room. Once the door was closed behind you, and Pachinko snuck in of course, you sat down and looked at the red twenty one. With a tap it turned back into a spade, it's resting position. The spade was black, of course, and nothing was wrong with it. Freaky.

"Pachinko, do you know anything about magic gambling doodads?"

Pachinko shook his head, making a deeper coin slot noise. You sighed. Didn't think so. You found the mirror from earlier and looked at yourself. Wait, hold on a second. What was up with your eyes? The pupils were shaped as Spades. That's freaky. Wait a second, was there a corolation? You tapped the necklace, changing it to a diamond. Sure enough, your pupils turned into diamonds. Pachinko stood up on the couch and looked over your shoulder, completely amazed by what you were doing with your eyes. You switched the necklace to black eight. One eye was a spade, the other was a club. Before you knew it, you were having fun just changing everything up. You were laughing as you somehow ended up with a heart and a club eye. That's when the door opened. King Dice.

"Now ya quit foolin' around and get back to your table. It's what you asked for in ya contract after all."

King Dice walked up to you and looked into your eyes sternly, only to drop the demeanor when he saw the craziness that was your pupils. You tapped the necklace, turning it into a black and red twenty one. That's how you got the heart and club. The heart moved to the other eye and the eye that previously had the heart turned into a spade. He flinched and stumbled backwards. You simply smiled at him.

"Okay, ready! It'd be Uber fun if you join us for a round, Mister King Dice. I'd love to play against you in more than just Blackjack sometime."

Like that, you left the breakroom and skipped to your table, Pachinko following you as If you were Pirouletta and Hopus taking his leave from the center to hand it back to you. Thank goodness you figured out what that was! But it's still weird that your pendant changed without your consent... hmm...

1340 Words

Fleur De 21 [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now