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     I stopped by the hygiene section on my way to the bathroom and freshened up before walking back out to find Dorian and Lucius again. I didn't have to look very far when I heard some loud crashing noises from a few aisles down.

     I drew myself as quietly and as quickly as possible to the source of the sound, hoping to whatever god that could be out there that it wasn't a rager. That's when I heard something else. A hearty laugh echoed through the store, followed by some breathy shushing. I turned the corner of the kitchen appliances to find Dorian and Lucius, barely able to breathe from laughing at a broken blender on the floor.

     Lucius looked at me and smiled, at which Dorian turned around to face me, and I noticed something different about the boys. Lucius' face was flushed, and a noticeable blush was reddening Dorian's tanned cheeks.

     "Heeyyyy Quinn," Dorian slurred his words. That's when I realized what was happening.

     "Are you drunk?" I asked him in disbelief.

     He looked at me as if I was insane, "Nooo, I'm not drunk. I'm no lightweight-," he said as he waved his arm, knocking another blender off of the display counter. It hit the ground with a loud clanking noise that reverberated through the floor, which sent Lucius into a fit of laughter. He laughed so heartily that he doubled over, and I couldn't help but notice I was giggling. I pulled my hand up to cover my face as Dorian let out a chuckle, that soon became a laugh.

     I noticed that Dorian was holding a blue glass bottle of vodka in his other hand when he reached it out to me.

     "Here, have some," he chuckled, "This stuff is seriously great."

     I was thinking about taking it when Lucius suddenly snatched the bottle from Dorian's hand.

     "Now wait a minute," Lucius slurred, before cracking a sly smile, "I'm going to need to see some ID. Just to make sure you're over the legal drinking age."

     "Aren't you seventeen?" I asked him with a warm laugh.

     Lucius pondered that for a moment, before shrugging and handing the bottle to me. With a moment of reluctance, I grabbed hold of the long neck of the bottle.

     A moment passed before Dorian spoke, "Well? Aren't you going to have some?"

     "I will," I told him, before opening the lid of the bottle and trying to keep myself from looking disgusted when I caught a whiff of the alcohol.

     "Go on then," Lucius told me.

     I told myself 'why the hell not', as I tipped the nose of the bottle downwards and sealed my lips around it, trying to swallow down the nauseating liquid before I had the chance to taste it. I felt a strong burn in the back of my throat as I held back a cough, and the boys smiled at me as they took the bottle back again.

     "Let's go get some more juice!" Lucius shouted as he began to walk away, Dorian and I followed, trying to keep ourselves from fits of giggling.

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