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     Maya and Xander's drunken arguments, however light-heartedly suggestive they were, had really started to stress me out. Nothing they did could get Dorian off of my mind.

     I decided to head back to our tent. I don't think they even noticed me leave. I slipped off my boots and opened the tent's entrance, throwing my warm coat next to my windbreaker and stepping inside the tent, zipping the entrance closed before I allowed myself to fall onto our bed, consisting of nothing but the padding at the bottom of the tent, two pillows and a couple of weighted blankets.

     It still smells like him.

     I was too tired to undress, so I used the little energy I had left to pull the blankets over me and to grab his pillow. I soon found that the only way I could feel comfortable again was by holding the pillow close to me, as the smell of Dorian lulled me into a false sense of security, and sleep grabbed hold of me once more.

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