Story Six

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I wanted to do something with one of my boys being sick, so here that is, it's super short tho.
"You aren't going anywhere." The voice was stern, and Dark crossed their arms over their chest, looking down at their husband with those narrowed eyes that met 'don't you dare try to fight me'. But the other man didn't care to listen, he still flung his shirt over his shoulders, trying his best not to fumble with the buttons to much.
"Wilford Motherloving Warfstache." He stopped at his full name, wincing, as he knew that met he was in big trouble. "Get back into bed this instant." Wilford opened his mouth to protest, to say that he really feeling alright, and there was no reason to worry about him, but he knew if he spoke, his voice would be broken and scratchy. Their tone cut him off. "Now."
He swallowed thickly, ignoring the throbbing in his head that the voice laced with anger gave him, but still continued to button up his shirt, or at least attempt to. "Wilford, please..." Now they just sounded upset, placing their hands over his and moving them away from the soft fabric he was fumbling with. Their voice carried, their ringing was quite loud too, it was only natural for the man to shrink back at the pain it caused.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry..." They seemed to notice his movements, their voice dipping to a soft whisper, now. "How's this?" Wil didn't respond, just closed his eyes, and that was obviously something that concerned his partner. They brought him a little closer, hand on the back of his head, only for them to immediately jump when skin touched skin.
"Fucking hell, Wilford, you're burning up." He whined in protest, shaking his head no. "I'm fine." The voice that came from him was just as he assumed it would be, quiet, low, and scratchy. Dark would use this against him, and he knew it. "You aren't 'fine', I can feel your head pounding." But they didn't even bring it up, and Wil realized this was more about keeping him safe. They weren't trying to prove a point, they were actually concerned.
"Please, come lay with me, you need rest." He considered it for a moment, thinking of how relaxing it would be to curl up in their arms, but the ideas that poked at his brain told him that he had to get working. "I need...To work..." Still, he didn't pull away, and Dark sighed softly. He felt their cold lips against his forehead, and purred.
"Can't you just stay with me?" They were rubbing soft circles into the back of his palm, now, speaking against his skin and gently toying with his hair. Their voice was pleading, soft and sad, and Wilford just couldn't handle the way they sounded. He thought for a moment.
"I have to work." They sighed in what seemed like defeat. "You leave me no choice, then." Then he was picked up, as a groom would pick up their bride, making Wil squeak in protest and wrap his arms around their neck, afraid of being dropped. "Come on, to bed now." They started trudging over to the bed, and the man realized he had lost this time.

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