Story Nineteen

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Sup whores. I'm not super proud of this one, because I wrote it at 3AM immediately after a small concept I had, but I wanted to share it anyways. Enjoy the gay, warnings for discussion of traumatic events and gore n stuff.
A concerned voice echoed through the trashed studio, followed by the sound of footsteps. Panicked footsteps. Wil was sitting on a stool with his head in his hands, away from the chaos that his staff was attempting to clean up. He looked up when he heard that voice, smiling gently when he saw a blur of red and blue running to his side. Dark was here. They crouched down by their partner's side, taking his bruised and battered hand into their own.
"What the hell happened here, Wil?"
Their gaze flickered around the room. There was a large mass of metal on the floor with shards of broken glass and tangled wires surrounding it. Wilford simply gestured to the mess.
"Something about the sign not being hung up properly or something, it fell off the wall during introductions."
He spoke as if this was something that happened frequently, as if he wasn't mortified by the event, but Dark could hear the quiet tremor in his voice. They turned to focus on his expression, and he offered them a soft smile. He looked exhausted, and Dark's lips tugged into a frown when they noticed the deep gashes on his face and neck. They reached up to cup his cheek, but Wilford drew back, to shaken up for any sort of physical contact.
"Please don't tell me it fell on top of you..."
He nodded a no in response, lowering his head again when he spoke.
"I tried to hold it up when the cables broke, but I didn't do a very good job."
He chuckled, and Dark tried their best to get a look at his face while he was gazing away from them.
"The glass sort of exploded, so that's where all this mess came from."
At first, they were angry, ready to destroy the tech crew that caused pain to such a wonderful man. But they knew that any more chaos would just cause him more pain, so they burned that feeling away. Then, they were sad. Sad that he felt he needed to hide his pain, sad that he had clearly been terrified by this situation, sad that he was shaking like a leaf in a storm. But of course there was one other feeling: Disappointment. Not in him, but in themself, because they hadn't been here to protect him.
They stood up, taking off their blazer and draping it around the poor man's shoulders, sighing softly. They closed their eyes, with Wil's hand still grasped loosely in their own, and when they opened them again the two were in his bedroom. Wilford seemed panicked at first, his shoulders raised and tense, but when he saw that Dark was still by his side they slowly drooped down again.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
He smiled and waved his hand, as if to say that it was alright. With his forgiveness, Dark took a seat next to him on the bed, holding his wounded hand with both of their own. They closed their eyes again, channeling their aura to heal the man's wounds, and they heard Wilford gasp softly in response. When they opened their eyes again, his hand was no longer covered in scrapes and bruises, and he smiled as he inspected their work.
"You really have some neat magic, Darki."
The nickname made them chuckle.
"Thank you, Wil. Please turn to face me."
He did as he was asked, and Dark raised their hand to his neck. Wil drew back at first, but quickly turned his eyes away and allowed them to lay their palm against his warm skin, barely touching the wound as they commanded their aura to heal. The feeling seemed to surprise him, and Dark watched as his face flushed with pink, their lips pulling into a smile.
"Feels a little odd, doesn't it?"
Wilford nodded in response as they brushed his hair away from his face and gently cupped his cheek, the touch only making his face warmer. They did just as they had before, and the cut slowly faded away, but this time they kept their hand on his face.
"U-Um...I think you healed it..."
His voice was soft, shaking, but this time Dark could tell that he was more embarrassed than afraid. They thought it was precious. They thought he was precious. His eyes were soft and doughy, his face warm and pink, his voice gentle and inviting. They moved the hand on his cheek to gently hold his chin, running their thumb along his cut lip.
"I'll have to heal this, too."
They placed their other hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat quicken against their palm. That only made them smile even wider.
"I have an idea."
They leaned forward, their face inches away from his own. Wil sucked in a nervous breath, and his gaze never left their lips. That was enough for Dark to gently press their lips against his, forcing their aura to heal the pain away. Then, they pulled away from him, speaking softly.
"Does it feel better now?"
He panted softly, trying to catch his breath before he spoke.
"It feels...Wonderful."
Dark moved closer to him once again, wrapping their arm around his waist and gently laying him on the bed, pressing their lips together again. Wilford purred in response, wrapping his arms around their neck and deepening the kiss. He tasted like strawberries and honey, something that would usually be much too sweet for Dark's tastes, but they just couldn't get enough. Their free hand tangled in his hair as they cooed against him, gently toying with the curls and causing Wil to relax even further beneath them. They felt themself losing their breath, and so they pulled away again, gasping for air as they pressed their forehead against his.
Wilford whined softly.
"Don't...Don't stop kissing me..."
A quiet laugh filled the room, and then Dark fulfilled his request. He melted almost immediately, gently tugging at their shirt and letting out soft, desperate noises. That only caused Dark to gently bite his bottom lip, causing him to gasp, which gave them an opportunity to deepen the kiss even further. They felt like he was intoxicating them, like he had cast some sort of spell to make himself irresistible. The truth was, he had always been irresistible to them.
When they had to pull away again, Dark gently brushed his hair behind his ear and kissed his glowing cheek. He hid his face in their shoulder in response, clearly still embarrassed about the situation.
"I can't kiss you if you're hiding..."
They whispered to him, and he only held them tighter.
"I just...N-Need a minute to catch my breath..."
They nodded, drawing him closer and pressing another kiss to his forehead, as if to make up for the lost contact.
"Just...Don't go, okay? Stay with me..."
The quiet ask made their heart swell in their chest, and they felt their own cheeks heating when they spoke.
"O-Of...Of course."
And so they did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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